Hi, we cannot delete accounts. You will have to wait 30 days of inactivity on that account for it to be automatically deleted.
06/10/2024Hi, Jella has already gave you the answer. We can not proceed with a ban using the evidence you have provided.
06/10/2024Hello, your ban is correct. you will remain banned, Please remove all cheats before returning.
05/10/2024Hello. You sold the house the vehicle was saved in. I'd recommend you trying to call insurance and see if its in there. If there is no vehicle in insurance then we can not help you as your lost it due to your mistake and not a server sided issue.
Make one more thread and you will be banned on website too
02/10/2024Hello, can you please explain more as I've checked the login details of the account you have provided and nothing is different from previous logins pointing to the account not being stolen. Also checked website logins.
02/10/2024Hi. Thank you for the report. We will keep an eye on the player however your video doesn't prove much and he has a lack of logs.
Hello, next time choose a better name. Anything possibly offensive will be removed again
01/10/2024We are not going to waste our time searching through old logs. Next time don't be stupid and trust players. Only use ways of sale provided by the server to avoid such issues.
28/09/2024Hello, unfortunately this is not possible. Player does not have any anticheat records against him recently. If you gather more evidence please feel free to post here and we will recheck logs.
28/09/2024Registered: 22/11/2012
Logged in: 07/03/2025