Hello, The servers are working completely fine. Try to fix your net using the following steps below. Call your ISP if the connection issues still persist after trying these things. Make sure no background apps/other devices in your home are using a significant amount of bandwidth from your internet - Use an ethernet connection instead of regular WiFi - Update any drivers on your computer. - Change DNS settings on your computer. - Change the wifi frequency from 5.0 to 2.4 or 2.4 to 5.0 Ghz, or enable no preferences. - Restart your router at regular intervals. - Get better network hardware, (this could include network cards, routers, cables etc) Good internet speed, ping & packetloss are all different things. Packet loss can occur even when you have a fast internet connection
The servers are working completely fine. Try to fix your net using the following steps below. Call your ISP if the connection issues still persist after trying these things.
Make sure no background apps/other devices in your home are using a significant amount of bandwidth from your internet
- Use an ethernet connection instead of regular WiFi
- Update any drivers on your computer.
- Change DNS settings on your computer.
- Change the wifi frequency from 5.0 to 2.4 or 2.4 to 5.0 Ghz, or enable no preferences.
- Restart your router at regular intervals.
- Get better network hardware, (this could include network cards, routers, cables etc)
Hello Grispo,
It is allowed to register multiple accounts, but you can only play on one account and must not abuse multiple accounts to gain any advantage. But keep in mind that if one account gets banned both of your accounts will be banned.
Message me on web if you have more questions.
Either fix your connection or uninstall all your modifications and cheats to keep your game clean. As long you are not cheating you have nothing to worry about. You can record your gameplay if you are innocent in case you end up banned. More information about anti cheat can be found here.
FPS lags is the issue on your side and not the server, therefore there is nothing we can do about it. What I can only suggest is check that there is nothing open/running in the background that taking your cpu usage, lower the graphics or get a better PC that can handle GTA San Andreas.
Hi, You will receive your answer in this thread. Please do not create multiple threads about the same topic. Thank you
19/02/2025Hello, File History creates regular backups of your files, letting you recover previous versions. To enable File History, go to Settings > Update and Security > Backup > Add a drive. Choose an external drive, and File History will automatically backup your files. For File History, right-click on the folder where the file was located, select "Restore previous versions," and choose a version to restore. BUT REMEMBER, if you havent activated File History before there is a chance that it is still disabled. If so there is no way to recover your files. You can message me in web if you have more questions about this topic.
You are saying you have completed it so what is the issue here exactly? Non the less posting a nonsense YouTube song which has nothing to do with this is not necessary at all. I dont see the point of creating this thread. Please correct me if I am wrong.
Remove the gta_sa.set file from the user documents folder in order to reset your game settings. After this open singleplayer mode in order to re-create the correct file. Once the file is correctly restored you can go into SAMP again.
Please message me on web if the issue still persist after doing this, il help you out through there.
We do not support nor discuss mods here. You can search in google to find your answer to this.
Delete the gta_sa.set file from your user documents. This will completely remove all your settings and will restore it to how it should be. Launch singleplayer after in order to re-create the file succesfully. After that you will be able to play samp again.
Please message me on web if you are walking into any other issues.
Hello, Yes. This is allowed, when you use the /cash command there will be a popup that sending money is at own risk and it asks you to confirm it to avoid mistakes from happening. As long you are following the rules and it is not bypassing any sell, auction or trade limit or strange repetitive transactions which is caused by this as you will highlight you have nothing to worry about Please message me on web for further questions.
14/02/2025Hello, First of all please do not create multiple threads on web related to the same topic, secondly please use admin tags and follow the proper player report method which can be found here Player & Cheater reports
12/02/2025Hello, We do not support nor discuss mods here. Id suggest you to stick to the original game cliƫnt as we only support this. Quote by niCe:
We do not delete pictures/videos upon request.
Thank you for understanding
If you lost your e-mail there's nothing we can do really. You need your original email to recover the account.
11/02/2025Registered: 03/05/2015
Logged in: 6 hours ago
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