



Kratos Player
Kratos has come to play on game server San Andreas Multiplayer 3 11:56 AM
Kratos has come to play on game server San Andreas Multiplayer 3 05:37 PM
Kratos has come to play on game server San Andreas Multiplayer 3 11:19 AM
Kratos has come to play on game server San Andreas Multiplayer 3 03:13 PM
Kratos has come to play on game server San Andreas Multiplayer 3 09:05 AM
Kratos has come to play on game server San Andreas Multiplayer 3 04:50 PM
Kratos has come to play on game server San Andreas Multiplayer 3 05:24 PM
Kratos has completed the achievement: Create a screenshot with 1000 views 06:35 PM
Kratos has come to play on game server San Andreas Multiplayer 3 11:12 AM
Kratos has come to play on game server San Andreas Multiplayer 3 06:20 AM

Wall (44)

Naaain69 Legendary player Level 70 11/07/2022 02:58 AM
where u go bro?
Morched23MJ Adored Level 107 11/11/2018 12:21 AM
Take care man.
SaaDi Boss Level 91 30/10/2017 03:32 AM
Bhai bhai bhai <3
iNikkz Legendary player Level 130 21/01/2017 09:50 AM
Excalibur n00b Level 75 11/12/2016 06:38 PM
Congrats for unban bro!!!
And did you get a new mouse yet?
rUnknowNr Boss Level 97 11/12/2016 06:16 PM
Damn you are lucky boy :-D unbanned, Now i can get some free kills :D
Kratos Player Level 77 14/09/2016 04:54 PM
after 2-3 months you got banned for lag.csI Never Got Banned For Lag.cs you can ask any Admin if i was ever banned for Lag.cs, i dare you to do so. i'll most gladly accept my ban now!
And i only Remember Getting Banned By Theseus and i had Cleared things back then.
so i don't know what are you talking about maybe you're out of tricks to make me go down but it's not as simple as that.
You can try whatever you want "I DO NOT CARE".
Maybe you're some retarded kid who's just don't know when to quit Barking!
And You Can Stop Farming Xp on my Wall
AbdulWasay Nobody Special Level 51 14/09/2016 02:20 PM
Lemme explain my bans to you kratos once and first from Scotty 2nd from Szyska 3rd from Hoodie

i dont know how LSD came into this but i never got banned from LSD Or any of the senior admins

and you got banned for no reload when your name was GokuSSJ3, then you made another account called "Hi Nigga, then theseus banned you with the reason "Bye Nigga", then you waited made a account called Hamza Jee, later changed name to Hunger/Kratos and then got banned for aimbot then after 2-3 months you got banned for lag.cs so 4 bans m9

and how come you never made a montage of your "not so hacking skills" ?
oh yes i forgot you cant fight without your aimbot so you wont even record a montage with aimbot cause it will clearly shot your lag.cs and your aimlock
Kratos Player Level 77 02/08/2016 05:45 AM
Well even if those videos are old, its still proof of your Lag,cs which got you banned along time ago.
and "Stupid Aim" then why do you always get rekt when you fight me without your Lag.cs ?
It's Been 1 year and half maybe and i haven't got banned for anything.
Though i admit i had been Banned in the beginning when i started playing here as a newbie.
And you've Also Been Banned for many Time Once by LSD your and AliRaza you Both had Been Banned for Aimbot and i had posted a Screenshot too on your Wall.
So Keep Crying Kid Cause that's What you Always Do.
AbdulWasay Nobody Special Level 51 01/08/2016 04:33 PM
Well even if those videos are old, its still proof of your Lag,cs which got you banned along time ago.
and "Stupid Aim" then why do you always get rekt when you fight me without your Lag.cs ?
Show comments 11-20 of 44

About Kratos:


Registered: 21/10/2014

Logged in: 24/10/2019

Recently played

6 years ago - Played 15 minutes
9 years ago - Played 5 minutes

Most gaming time

2361 hours and 20 minutes
2 hours and 50 minutes

Recent achievements

Create a screenshot with 1000 views Completed 12/08/2018
Create a screenshot with 500 views Completed 21/03/2017
Create a video with 100 views Completed 23/08/2016