Anyone Knows what is "Bonuses for CEO Jobs" Showing always 0 even i give Bonus to anyone !
28/07/2023 Month Wise CEO Works Sheet isn't Updating from a long time 3-4 Months
26/07/2023I did it and filled a full Bar of Trash, still showing this message, even i quit for sometime 2h-3h, then join again, but still it's showing
15/03/2023What's Objectives i need to do ? iam doing job Normally, in starting iam getting payout, but after some jobs it's appearing and not getting pay
15/03/2023Trashman Job Not gettings Payout in Solo after this message "You have to actively complete job objectis to receive more job rewards" Getting this message after i do some jobs in Trashman Job in Solo and not getting payouts after this, If someone joins me, then it's not showing (Works fine), and if i got this message and someone joins me after this and do some jobs, then after if i do Solo-in this situation it's also be working fine.
15/03/2023All Router settings are OK for use ISP said
and iam getting connection to my Local network to Internet service provider's server, Pings works fine
i think new hoster is your server is far , most of my friends are getting it , if it's my local are problem, my friends isn't facing it (they are in some other countries)
There is my Ping Tests for Local IP and WTLS IP Check it and give me some Solid Solution Lottie: If you were facing this , so how you fixed it ?
07/06/2021Light of my router always Green when i have worked Network !, but it's happening when i have Green lights
07/06/2021I apologize to repost it but please make a solution. Iam facing this problem from when WTLS changed his Hoster, but sometime it was fixing by restarting , but now it's not fixing with any method I restarted my Router and Net Several times , but today it's not fixing My Network is Working Fine and Getting good Speed and also contacted to my ISP he said Network is working fine and good speed !!! Please make a solution for it , We(not only Me, most of Players) are facing this Problem only on your Servers, Other servers are working fine !!!
07/06/2021Lost 170k cut Heist and CEO Work 42k = 212k or Check Logs for Confirm figures DJ_Khalid_K.K
06/06/2021Lost 90g Meths(90k) and got again 1h cd for meth, and ceo work(42k) = 132k
Lost 130k heist cut , Me(DJ_Khalid_K.K "130k") and Partner(DJ_Daniyal_Don "130k"), not showing in ATM
30/05/2021Registered: 06/01/2020
Logged in: 13 hours ago