Yup. Best Suggestion!
Increasing the price limit will help alot selling ur rare stuff on pc while ur afk or offline. But make a Limit for Every Car according to its worth, so other player's won't sell un-rare and cheap stuff for high price's!
Have You Changed Your nickname in Game ? if u changed it then enter the new name to loggin maybe that help..it happend to me as well when i've changed my nickname in game server
05/05/2024Damn! Thats a great news. For how long will this non-stop Bonuses stay in server ? only 1 Day or more ?
- Players with Premium Account Can add Friends upto 50 While Player without premium account Can add only 10 Friends. My Suggestion is that You Should Make a Update Like if You Have premium Account and Have 50 People in /friendlist. if By any Chance You lost Your Premium Account, You don't Have to add them again Manually using Commands Cause it is a Very Difficult For Some People to add Everyong Back to Friendlist.
This issue Happend to me Once and i've to Suffer alot Cause of this.
I Hope You will Work on this!
Kind Regards < 333
Hi. Last Night i've Lost my Premium and When i Logged in Tomorrow Morning I saw that my /friendlist is only 10, Then i've bought another permium using /rpshop and Checked my /friendlist . it was still stuck on 10 while i was having 43-45 ppl in my /friendlist. Then after talking with some Friends and Helper. i've Bought another permium using /shop Cause i was told that if i buy premium from /rpshop my friendlist won't come back and i've to purchase Premium through /shop. Still My Friendlist is 10. According to Helpers and Some players it's a Bug.So kindly Solve This issue Cause its really hard for somenone like me to add 33-35 ppl again to my /friendlist.
I Hope Your will go Throw this issue and Solve it.
Server : WTLS 2
Name : .Katanaa.
Kind Regards < 333
Today i've Just logged in and Saw that my Hundreds of Comments on web Are Deleted!!! even i didn't Deleted it and i was offline...ig its a bug or smthn my lvl was 36 Before Logging in last time and now its 26 Lvl.
I Hope Admins will solve this issue and my lvl will be replaced again!
Have u Checked Mar Mutual insurance Through Your phone ? ig u will find it there...!
28/03/2024Hi Admin, Today, A Carshow was Stared By a Player name PaulWalker19 . He Said in Chat That First Winner will get 30m , 2nd winner will get 20m and 3rd Winner will get 10m . When the Carshow ended He Announced in chat That i got 1st Position in Carshow and After that When i asked him about my Price He Said : " wait 10min i Will give You 30m. When the 10min passed i pmmed him again and Then he Sended me 30$ . i Spend Litreally an Hour on The Carshow . I Hope You will Check this Forum post and Will Take an Action !
02/12/2023Ye Check My Profile I uploaded the Screens shots there and im from S2 and this happend yesterday !
17/10/2023Hi Everyone Today Boba Scammed He Said in chat that he is selling an Ft.Nrg i pm him and asked him for price he said that send me 100k to buy garage and then i will sell u the nrg for 8.6m and when i sended him the money. He came to me in an nrg complety different from which he told me about and said that his keyboard is not working so i shall send him 10m. Check ScreenShots on my Profile u will get it . He Scammed me 100k its nothing to me but he wasted alot of my time and He is also a SCAMMMER !
16/10/2023Registered: 02/06/2023
Logged in: 08/03/2025
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