



Kamaradd Gamer

Forum posts (150)


Hi I'm 2PAC_FAN from s3 and now I tried to join s2 I forgot my password because I'm so old and same in email I forget it as I said because I don't play a lot
Can you help me to get my s2 password
Remind I lost email password don't say email please if u can't help

Teaming in TDM not allowed players 2000hours+

So right now ibust starting TDM Minigun 100k and Chuppy ( name Web Murker) join against than my friend join with ibust so it's 2vs1.
Than Chuppy pm ibust tell him To 1v1 Chuppy vs my friend after 4min TDM my friend got 5 score and Chuppy 0

At last 30second ibust starting give score to Chuppy and after TDM je give him 50/50
La that really with players 2khours + playing hope you deal with it.

Defaming, swearing or harassing Mute

Gunner actually understand the player situation +1 Gunner bravo!!!

Endo and Mark0's birthday.

Number 43 Hbd

lets explain what had happened to me"

Dammn it the situation it's with niCe.
Anyway i hope you got unban and i hope To see new player new behavoir new user...
Wish you in thé best time

Cannot Find 800x600x32 !

Windows 10 it's happend to me too Also YouTube it you'll see how to fix it but it Will work 1 day only.
I suggest you To change Windows To 7 or 8.1 better.

Please Unban

I hope you got banned in web . Wtf it's hard To understand next time respect Mano you won't be banned

Probably Bug At Mission Zero's Shop

You can report bugs here :

Help me please to back my brother account !

hey anythings NEW?
i will post some new informations for admins.


As i see you register your web account 14 minutes ago didi you have a multiple accounts?
And Use EDIT button under avater to aviod spam .

Help me please to back my brother account !

thanks all for replaying.

Test server 0.3.8 problem !

where i can download version 0.3.8

Test server 0.3.8 problem !

when i wanna join with samp client he said CONNECTION INCORECT and REJOIN .. etc
how it's works please ?

Suggestions on SA-MP

Back lotto 45M + 22.5M for ever

Admine Someone broke the code on the web

You have sent 10 USD to Banshee for example that's mean not send by web that's mean he join your game acc and sell them and take the game money true?

Hey Marshall #RECOGNITION!

i was perma banned in s1 6-7 months ago for cheating and ban evads And that's was true and i did them and wasn't playing clear and for bad behavoir too etc .. mush mistakes and i am really sorry for that . that's was in the past and nowadays i change my behavoir Permanently and if you give me a chance i learned how to respect players and you'll see a new player new behavoir new everythings. I most certainly hope you'll that change for this behavior for past has not been good. sorry sorry and sorry that's was in the past. And i didn't evad ban 4-5 months you can see that i am not here for fighting it's only message to Apology before 2018. haters please don't post here only please! sorry again for all players which I made a mistakes in their right. i am asking for unban if you can please :'( and take is from Human side :/ Merry Christmas! And Happy New Year! #RECOGNITION!

Fresh Richman House giveaway! (S2)

Number 15

Christmas Giveaway

Number 69 .

1 2 3 4 5... 8

About Kamaradd:

S1: ♛TiK_Tak ♛
S2: ♛[NangS]TOOOrnado ♛
Need Help Pm Me Or Message Me On Web
Thx For Visting My Profil <3

Registered: 24/12/2014

Logged in: 28/12/2023

Recently played

1 year ago - Played 1 hour and 30 minutes

Most gaming time

2065 hours and 0 minutes

Recent achievements

Create a video with 500 views Completed 04/06/2024
Create a screenshot with 1000 views Completed 26/10/2017
Create a screenshot with 500 views Completed 24/09/2017