



Happy Saint Patrick's Day to all players!
Jehandad Nobody Special

Forum posts (69)

Suggestions on SA-MP

We should be able to use /report when muted So if we are muted for a wrong reason we can report , or we can report a bug etc

Servers Down

Hello i cannot Connect to S3 or s2 , i was playing on s2 while i got Disconnected and later it didnt show the ping of both server or it got stuck at same info . it keeps saying Reconnecting
My internet is fine , all servers are working but GTAMPCZ are not ,

Someone Hacking

Okay im sorry for posting at wrong Place , apologizes from me!

Someone Hacking 05/11/2019
banned for no reason

Be Patient bro , admin will reply for sure

Suggestions on SA-MP

Add event ''storming area 51''
(soldiers vs raiders)
Raiders: Go in the deepest level of area 51 and reach green goo.
Soldiers: Protect area 51 at all costs.


Raiders: Nothing
Soldiers: M4,

(Raiders don't have weapon, they just rush for the green goo. Also the team balance should be the same with juggernaut event)

Hope you add it and thanks for reading!

I know someone else posted it but i also like it so i posted it. And this should be added now , not at 20 september

Admins needed in game

Ok Btw Need admins at S3 Rn

Admins needed in game

Hello , there are many hackers in game + People doing censor evade and abusing And there is no admin
Please come in game

--- Apply for helper ---

Age : 14 Years ( turning 15 soon ) Languages : Urdu ( Native Speaker ) , English ( Learning ) , Hindi ( Same as Urdu ) Total gaming time : 371 hours 50 mins Gaming per day : 1-3 hours Registration on web : 31/03/2018 Server : WTLS S3 I have read apply requirements and rules of apply described at First post in this thread R3kT - your not old enough

help me

I guess only NiCe Or R3kt can

Bug reports on web

" remember me " in web dont work ( Auto login)

How to fix interiors

Done , Thanks for help
and topic should be locked for many replies

How to fix interiors

What you mean by gta sa file ? U mean to put in the folder ?

i cant connect to servers

Do you use a mod which Avoids your game to crash?

Did somebody log in ?

Ok I guess you saw my logs i didnt try to scam and anything sorry for everything , i guess i forgot something .

Did somebody log in ?

No iwasnt wanted and i actually Didnt spawn at LSPD i spawned near LSPD ,

Did somebody log in ?

Hello ! Im a little worried that last time when i left the game i was at el corona and with Pistol and 900$ or siomething and i know thats not a big deal but when i logged in rn i spawned at That underground thingy near LSPD with 0$ and no gun
I guess someone played with my account ?

How to fix interiors

Ok Thanks , i'll reinstall my Game and then Inform .

How to fix interiors

I Tried but didnt work....

Bug reports on SA-MP

when you go to Office when u enter beside the table u fall underground and die
And if u go inside that board with jobs u will go to a random room.

1 2 3 4

About Jehandad:

Just a friendly Human Being from Earth

I Love to Put a smile on someone's face and make them laugh so dont mind me im not immature im just trying to Make you laugh!


... (more)

Registered: 31/03/2018

Logged in: 04/06/2022

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Recent achievements

Create a screenshot with 100 views Completed 05/03/2021
Receive 500 likes Completed 04/02/2021
Make 50 posts on the forums Completed 21/07/2019