



Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all players!

Friends (533)

inactive and Remi are friends
inactive and Stener are friends
12898 ads
inactive and ads are friends
inactive and PatriCk are friends
inactive and Haine are friends
inactive and patriksk are friends
inactive and PegaSuS are friends
inactive and BlackTwoOo are friends
inactive and Jereffy are friends
inactive and ADYson are friends
inactive and martins are friends
inactive and Rubi are friends
inactive and Shay are friends
inactive and jochule are friends
inactive and Jirce49 are friends
inactive and Sharper are friends
inactive and 11nameless11 are friends
inactive and Kosik are friends
inactive and Benehallow are friends
inactive and Lesk are friends
1 2 3 4 5... 27

About inactive:

Nothing written yet.

Registered: 06/06/2011

Logged in: 20/08/2024

Recently played

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Recent achievements

Add 100 wall posts Completed 12/06/2016
Create a screenshot with 1000 views Completed 16/08/2015
Leave 1000 comments Completed 10/05/2015