



iFikKs Legendary player

Forum posts (32)

Suggestions on SA-MP

GANG Suggestion

I think it is time we make a big update to gangs, now that we added a new gang and made the first step, it is time for a second step. With the amount of job updates and payout increases, playing gangs and turfing has lost its value since it is low payout. My first suggestion is increasing gang turf payouts to an amount you feel could boost activity in gangs.

SECOND and most important suggestion, I would add a new thing to gangs completely. Since we all know everyone peacing from different gangs became a problem to new players who feel alone and no one is protecting them or helping them fight others in gangs, I think we should add this: 2 new SPECIAL TURFS in each city, possibly at an open field like LVA SFA LSA for example ( so thats 1 per city, also we can figure out where the 2nd per city can be) which can only be attacked once in maybe 30 minutes or so. The turf will last 5minutes, but it works as a TDM. Players get notified in gang chat that someone is attacking and they can use a command as /teamwar or something to get teleportrd with infinite sawns, uzi, m4 to that turf and play it as a tdm. When you die you respawn and thtat lasts for 5 minutes, whoever gets the better score wins the turf and gets a payout like 100k or something like that. It will make people who are peacing outside gang fight eachother with no issues or arguments. It will guarenteed revive gangs also and attract players to it.

Suggestions on SA-MP

Since you added the new gang update about outnumbering people stopped playing gangs a lot, I suggest balancing it out so more players can join gang and we can have fun in that way since not everyone loves only doing jobs and stuff, thanks in advance.

How is this possible, can the admins take a look?

Hello, this indeed can happen and it is a SAMP sided glitch, not the server’s fault. It is a 2004 game which has many bugs and is very old so this is completely normal.


Hello, try Wineskin Winery which allows Windows apps to be used on Mac, there are many tutorials out there and I am sure you will find your answer there, I had a mac in the past and that's how I was able to play GTA.

help about s3

After trying out these methods above, try joining S2 and see if you have the same issue. Also check out if the IP you are using is this:

Issues like that are just connection issues, I am sure with all these methods it should work for you.

What does your nick mean?


Since my irl name is Faris, I wanted to use something similar to it. Letters “F” “i” “s” are from my name, my name means Fix as in repair something, didnt wanna be named Fix because it doesn’t have enough originality to it so now im FikKs.

[GAME] Google image of your nickname

lost my minigun

Hello, please give us more information:
Your ingame name:
Server this happened on:
Did you have pl issues at the time?

Lost Securicar pls help admins.

Hello, please give us some more information like:
Server where this happened:
Your ingame name:
Also, was your securicar saved at your house/garage?

screenshot problem

It is a bug with your SAMP/GTA version, it is not related to our servers in any way because other players are not reporting that issue. Try removing some game modifications if you have any for example vehicles or roads that may be causing those issues.

Connecting to server from mobile

Trial means it is still being tested and worked on, you can connect and play but there are still some issues being worked on, you playing and letting us know of any issues on your way will help us a lot.


Hello, please give us more information about what it says on your linked account about your ban.

- Enter your game account name:
- Server name, where you are banned:
-When were you banned?
Czech version:

Dobrý den, poskytněte nám prosím více informací o tom, co je uvedeno ve vašem propojeném účtu o vašem banu.

- Zadejte název svého herního účtu:
- Název serveru, kde máte ban:
-Kdy vám to zakázali?

Banned cause i use android version samp

Hello, there is some bug with Android version, which causes client sending invalid data. Please can you give us more details about your ban, what were you doing at the given time of the ban? Thanks in advance.


Please calm down and give us more details,
- Enter your game account name
- Server name, where you are muted
- When did this happen and who muted you? Be patient, dont spam the thread and wait for a admin to reply.

Lost Spec Colour

Please can you give us more information as:
Name in game:
Have you saved the vehicle at your garage/house after changing the color?

SAMP Crash

You will need to be more specific, show us what sort of crash it is there are 1000 different ones and maybe we can provide better help.

muted (wtls 3) player NkRy

It is a new rule they added, the word “noob” is now forbidden and you mute evaded by saying it differently.

Bug reports on SA-MP

I know you probably got notified about this issue but If we can fix it would be great, I got kicked for cheats 2 times today for this issue while doing assassination job.


If you are having problems about donating you can try contacting this email above.

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About iFikKs:

Player on S3 since 2016.
Ingame name is FikKs.
Gang Boss in Vagos and Ballas.

Registered: 05/12/2016

Logged in: 16/06/2024

Recently played

2 months ago - Played 45 minutes

Most gaming time

2259 hours and 20 minutes

Recent achievements

Create a video with 1000 views Completed 31/05/2022
Make 50 friends Completed 25/05/2022
Receive 1000 likes Completed 15/05/2022