



Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all players!
hamamatsu has come to play on game server San Andreas Multiplayer 09:06 PM
hamamatsu has come to play on game server San Andreas Multiplayer 11:30 AM
hamamatsu has come to play on game server San Andreas Multiplayer 06:56 AM
hamamatsu has come to play on game server San Andreas Multiplayer 08:22 PM
hamamatsu has come to play on game server San Andreas Multiplayer 06:53 PM
hamamatsu has come to play on game server San Andreas Multiplayer 05:48 PM
hamamatsu has come to play on game server San Andreas Multiplayer 01:24 PM
hamamatsu added a forum post to Nahlášení bugu na SA-MP 12:31 PM
Môžem potvrdiť, ale na funkčnosť jobu to nemá vplyv.
hamamatsu added a forum post to Nahlášení bugu na SA-MP 12:29 PM
Mne sa dialo pri zaberaní územia že nezobrazovalo npc brániace územie na minimape. Vyriešilo vojsť...
hamamatsu has come to play on game server San Andreas Multiplayer 09:04 AM

Wall (1)

Serly Level 10 19/04/2024 12:34 PM
who are you but i love song

About hamamatsu:

Reg 26-3-2024, player S1

Registered: 26/03/2024

Logged in: 20/12/2024

Recently played

8 hours ago - Played 2 hours and 15 minutes

Most gaming time

1538 hours and 25 minutes

Recent achievements

Make 50 posts on the forums Completed 12/12/2024
Add 10 videos Completed 16/10/2024
Reach score of 1000 in quiz Completed 07/10/2024