



Happy Saint Patrick's Day to all players!
Gwydion Legendary player

Friends (93)

Gwydion and Kolohonza are friends
Gwydion and Villa are friends
113285 JRK
Gwydion and JRK are friends
Gwydion and Saslik are friends
Gwydion and Steve5 are friends
Gwydion and Truhlar99 are friends
Gwydion and Koumak1 are friends
Gwydion and Eliska69 are friends
Gwydion and Mitrixsen are friends
113285 Pgs
Gwydion and Pgs are friends
Gwydion and tomhardy1 are friends
Gwydion and Haine are friends
Gwydion and sajkalala are friends
Gwydion and Megii9 are friends
Gwydion and WhiteEight are friends
Gwydion and Mariannetta are friends
Gwydion and Jozefos are friends
Gwydion and WizGigabyte are friends
113285 Omm
Gwydion and Omm are friends
Gwydion and Minionka are friends
1 2 3 4 5

About Gwydion:

Dříve znám jako Elthei

Člen organizace Dragons

Nejsem členem žádného clanu, teamu ani crew

Ochotný kdykoliv s čímkoliv pomoci, je-li to v mých možnostech
... (more)

Registered: 30/09/2016

Logged in: 5 hours ago

Recently played

No gaming activity yet

Most gaming time

No gaming activity yet

Recent achievements

Make 100 friends Completed 01/01/2021
Create a video with 500 views Completed 15/06/2020
Create a video with 100 views Completed 19/11/2019