



Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all players!

Forum posts (36)

lost 510 mg in bug

i have just bought 510 mg from auction and they took the money but i didn't get the mg, i relogged and still nth
server : s1

přiznání k cheatum ---> screen dole


summer bonuses

hello, I have seen that many other players noticed this issue, which is that there are some bonuses mentioned by niCe in his post that doesn't mention the actual values in the game, for example, but in game it is only 20%, also but in game it is only 20%, I hope that this issue gets fixed thank you

lost 1999 mg in bug

name: [..GunMakeeBloooD..] server: S1 time : around 11 pm I have bought 1999 ammo of miniguns for a guy normally in hotel, and when i was about to save them it said "you don't have enough ammo" and i don't see it in /sell or /auction but i see them in my hands, i tried to shoot one shot and it's all gone. i relogged and still nothing thank you for your help admins.

lost 1500 mg in connection bug

sry for that, it's server 1, [..GunMakeeBloooD..], time : 23h

lost 1500 mg in connection bug

i have got 1500 mg from my ammobox to sell it, when I try /sell or /auction or /give I didn't see the mg in the list but I see it in my hands so I tried to relog and I didn't fin it neither in hands or in /sell or in ammobox
thank you for your help

Scammed by 7kDwixi

your deal was 160M for both (or 60m for LSPD and 100m for Ambulance) and u sold him LSPD for 80M so u r obliged to sell him ambulance for 80M because you made a deal about that and if u dont sell it to him for 80M so its scam and just back him 80Mand he backs you LSPD :)

i lost my car in a bug!! "wtls , s1"

dear admins
today i bought ft infernus and i havnt saved it yet but unfortunately i got bugged on my way so i reloged when i joined i didnt found it
help me any admin plzz
any refund or anything plzz

--- Prihlasky na pomocnika ---

Age: 17
Language skills: English (6 years), french (4 years)
Elapsed playing time on servers 2560 hours
daily playing on the server: 3-4 hours
Other skills: good skills in video's editing , cracker , friendly , helpfull

an aimboter is here :)

admins , im not going to say anything , just plz check this video :)

Comments to updates on SA-MP

get back the price of kicking 20k

check it

u have to ask tuxedo

I have been scammed

hello , i got scammed by someone in wtls he is RnS]Synthetich , he scammed me in 5M
i sent him 5M and he said that he will back my money in euros but he didn't
admins can help plz? and thnx
(plz check the logs and my /pm with him)
and thnx :)

Suggestions on SA-MP

ability to sell skins which is bought from game shop by /sell and /auction and just for premium players (same as houses and properties) and set command to try skins /skin <ID skin>
i'm sure it will be very useful updates ;)

omggg scammer!!! help me pls

give me a proof of that? :)
ask any admin to see our logs to check who is right? :)

Suggestions on SA-MP

add new cmd for gangboss: /gangwarning <reason>
and it helps gangbossed to warn members before kicking them from gang to aviod problems

reporting new aimboter "predis"

admins i recorded an aimboter and i think thats its clear aimbot :) watch admins plz :)

new aimboter "seth"

this is a proof for his aimbot :)

my account bugged!!!

yea its working now
it back working by itself :D

1 2

About GunMakeeBloooD:

"girls masturbate too, boys cry too" #justice
I'm Professional Videos And Montage Editor, you need Help?
Just /Pm Me :)

Registered: 24/11/2014

Logged in: 35 minutes ago

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Recent achievements

Win in 10 contests Completed 01/03/2024
Create a video with 500 views Completed 27/02/2024
Play 5000 hours on game servers Completed 23/09/2023