



Happy Saint Patrick's Day to all players!
FreezIn Photographer

Forum posts (451)

An end to the debate: Tec9 or MicroSMG

If you guys pop open your weapons.dat in your data folder, all the stats for each weapons are configured in this file lmao. The firing range, accuracy and damage for both weapons are exactly the same values. The only difference is micro smg fires faster than the tec 9 according to the weapons.dat file because the animation stop loop for micro smg has a lower timing than the tec 9, but honestly I personally think the difference between the two is too small to have an impact during combat. So theoretically, both weapons would inflict the same amount of damage per clip, but micro smg is able to achieve that same amount of damage in a shorter time period. PS: Please don't go setting your 'damage' values higher for each weapon so you get an advantage against other players, you will get cucked by anti cheat every time you shoot.


Actually upgrade to the newer version. The installation process isn't even difficult honestly, if anything just make a video guiding players that are confused or something lol.

A serious question

Oh ye btw check in BIOS, some BIOS have the option to completely disable integrated video entirely

A serious question

Check your power plans on Windows. By default I think its set to like balanced mode, so try setting it to performance mode and see if it helps.

Many laptops do this cus in order to prolong battery life, it will downclock your performance so that the battery last longer on 1 single charge.

Just search up your laptop model and find out how to disable the power saving feature or whatever you call them lmao

Weird situation with SA:MP

If you aren't using modloader somehow and you are just importing all .txd and .dff into gta3.img, it is important that you rebuild it after you are done importing especially for big changes. If you don't you could potentially run into stability problems.

And there are different snow mods, some include Cleo scripts that simulates snow particles, etc, so if you are the type of person that uses auto installers, make sure you find out what you actually installed.

i want play a tdm with ikachu without kick

lol if u fkin reset your router, it might have a chance to remove the password to your network + you might have to set up the router again, which clearly Mazzaka will probably have no idea why hes even bother resetting his router in the first place

[GAME] Google image of your nickname k

Gta:San Andreas Download Problem

It doesn't matter whether the game is cracked or not, its not a problem with the cracked installation files, its a problem with the permissions of left over game files.

If you ever tried reinstalling SAMP client itself, this identical error can pop up, because some of the files might still be used by Windows (especially the font file), even if the game is already closed.

Try reinstalling in a different directory all together, or restart the computer first and then remove all the game files before reinstalling in the same location.

How these servers changed your life?

It made me anti social.

Take-Two Interactive vs. OpenIV

Even though OpenIV cracked Rockstar's encryption, people were already doing it long ago on their older games anyways, so the chance of changing anything by shutting OpenIV down is like <1%. Glad that Rockstar decided to do something and supported the modders.

Anyone here plays this on PC ?

sup dudes, anyone reading this, add me on and hmu if anyone wants to play


Not trying to be a jackass here, but if you didn't say "haha" you probably wouldn't have been banned. It shows how big of a asshole you are and that you had intentions of ruining a minigame.

Anyone here plays this on PC ?

Drop some cash for me when I get the game lmao

Anyone here plays this on PC ?

Wait like a month and I will get legit GTA V from summer sale k

Game crash during loading.

What exception code does it show in the error box? Try deleting gta_sa.set as sometimes settings in that file gets messed up from various reasons.


Scan your computer with malware bytes then, has to be an aware installed onto your computer


Ad block plus probably won't be able to do anything because the "ads" use shady sites, and I don't think it blocks pop ups as good as hiding ads from sites, so adblock might or might not do anything. You usually just get harmless pop ups trying to sell you viagra when you visit porn sites, unless you are watching some really shady stuff online.


You probably somehow installed click-jacking extensions, which basically hijacks your clicks to redirect you to a page with "ads". Sometimes they even contain keyloggers. Usually they are installed as a chrome extension, so goto your chrome settings > extensions and remove anything you don't remember installing. Most of them have either a gray icon, a question mark, or even just a white blank icon, accompanied with a irrelevant weird name.

Have a problem when add s3 in samp please help me

you literally entered samp:7777, which is obviously not the server IP, check the correct IP from the post above me^^

IMPORTANT! Change of server rules

Maybe you don't agree with me, but people are over reacting on this thread so bad, I actually cringed. Some people actually need common sense, because I don't think staff members will just invade your PMs just to mute someone because you asked your friend for money. And then there's some people on this thread who's over reacting like the world is going to end just for attention ^^.
Honestly if you are just going to report someone for begging money, I think you should mind your business because I'm pretty sure staff members know what they are doing.

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About FreezIn:

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Registered: 24/10/2014

Logged in: 27/09/2024

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Create a screenshot with 500 views Completed 12/04/2021
Create a video with 1000 views Completed 13/09/2018