It's NVR, vanilla graphics will never come as close to anything that looks photorealistic
13/02/2018Dude, I'm not even going to bother continuing this argument, since it is not even worth my time going to go no where other than mocking each other with autism as your whole response was literally filled with the word autistic lmfao.
If you think this blog is shit, go ahead lmao. Not even gonna bother arguing about it since it's getting pretty immature by now, seems useless as you won't get the point anyway.
Feel free to judge my upcoming blog post <3 I think you already know what it is ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
© FreezIn 2017 ^__^
PS: After a quick glimpse of your response, your 2nd to last point really made no sense lmfao.
Stay tuned!
Autism #1, if you didn't see what i originally said as sarcasm, and took it seriously, then thats a problem. Autism #2, decided to dodge this question. Didn't even bother answer a simple question, which made perfect sense. Maybe once you answer it, you will know that you are the wrong one here in this whole argument. Autism #3, I originally wrote a whole paragraph that was completely relevant to the topic, then I added another part to it that addresses to society, which might not have been on topic. So to say I was dodging the whole thing is completely false and you should read it again. Autism #4, if you expected me to repeat the same thing exactly again, your mind has went completely autistic. A normal human brain do not suffer from echolalia. Besides you didn't specify what you exactly expected better from me, whether it was a comeback or not. Autism #5, how have you not yet noticed or have any self awareness that you are doing it all along in this whole "comment section" And because you read it incorrectly, I did not say that you are a superior human being, but rather your psychological view of yourself. But fine, you can deny that, it won't really change how this argument will go anyway. And if you really wanna know why i placed "Made by FreezIn" so u can stop saying "ohhhh it shouldnt even worth putting a name on it cus its so trash hhhh", here's the reason. I was UV mapping textures onto sawnoffs (that was later cancelled) for Matrix and kept it as a somewhat as a "note". Now I think you can stop bringing it back into the argument because it made no sense all along. Autism #6, i guess you really didn't quite pick up the sarcasm that was used in the context. And because of that response, it shows that yes, you have fallen very low in terms of IQ score. Autism #7, why would you already assume that it would be your "attitude". If you wanna be one of those tough guys, you have to sort things out because you have too many insecurities about yourself. Autism #8, continue to lie to yourself about my assumptions, when it is in fact true, however you are just keep denying it, which I'm not gonna prevent you from doing so. My opinion in your response is that it is very based off of your own view of yourself, rather than what people really view you as. So maybe you should take time and reflect to yourself and ask what was the exact reason of starting this shit. Autism #9, I never said I was gonna be a lawyer, that's for sure. So quit ASSUMING , because after this whole argument, it is not gonna benefit you any way other than probably leveling up 2 times because of this whole argument. Thanks! Autism #10, I didn't assume "so much" because out of your whole comment, the only true assumption I made was about your personality. So if you call it "assuming so much" that's false. The percentage of you actually mentioning me making assumptions in your response is really, 25%. Well even if you count the last one as assuming (when its really the truth of how people see you as), it's still only 37.5% out of your whole response, which is less than a half, so this statement is false.
08/08/2017I see you running low on arguments <3 "I was using sarcasm, something you didn't quite pick up." If you don't even care about your own photoshop skills, then why are you even giving a single fuck about my blog post and my photoshop skills? And also, if you get triggered by your own work, I think it's time to shove your own foot up your ass. Why can't I also address society? Maybe the reason being is that you aren't part of it? I mean, cmon dude, what did you exactly expected better from me? Oh yeah remember you said this? That leads me to believe that you think of yourself highly and superior than others. Not gonna go deeper but that's a pretty stupid mindset you are setting yourself. I guess you are assuming this is a "signature" showcase which obviously in this case, this blog post is not even close to a showcase. Even the title says "How-to" not "FreezIn's ultimate signature showcase 2017". And no I didn't go around and asking people in PMs "hey man im a pro photoshopper let me make some signatures for you so i can showoff to people how pro i am xdddd", which you would probably do because you have already shown you hit peak autism levels known to mankind. People can hate you for your description if you put offensive shit that triggers people, just like how you triggered me with your original comment <3 Too bad the sarcasm is actually true and accurate lmao.
08/08/2017Well I don't see you even just copying a youtube link and paste it on a blog post? You're here judging someone's photoshop skills because of a blog post? That's unbelievable lmfao. Im sorry, but i don't see your photoshop skills any better other than putting fonts on top of a picture lmao. And yes I'm judging your photoshop skills by a single picture on your profile. Not to mention, the words made it super cringey. If you read that part correctly, I was also addressing to SOCIETY, how hard does it take to read a full sentence. I guess you like people insulting on what you have tried to do... I don't think you would like someone to just come and start babbling their bullshits out of their mouth. The fact that you are judging people's blog post when you haven't contributed anything other than trash talking here is ludicrous. I don't see people asking anything from you. Lmao why do you only keep going back to the fact that it is cringey, when I have already said 100x I won't type anything longer than this blog post? I don't see you even trying to do anything? People don't hate you because they can't take an insult, people hate you because of your attitude, keep lying to yourself that others can't take insults. You were the cause of your own hatred by other people and notably "arabs". Are you for real? It's a shame why so many people hate you because of yourself. It's a shame that you aren't even ashamed of yourself. It's a shame people like you don't see how imbecile you are. Its a shame how you dont have any self aware about yourself. And going back to a previous point I made, it's also a complete shame that you people still cheat in some old ass game. You built up this hatred because you were the cause of it. Admit it and don't blame anyone else for the cause of your hatred. Flori: Hey, I got banned let's go fuck around with some "arabs" on web. Flori: Ewww, what a cringey signature and blog post, let me start some beef with this guy because I <3 beef. You really do like starting beef with someone with no real apparent reason other than "its useless on a samp page" or "its cringey". What a shame. You could have easily clicked off this page.
08/08/2017Why would you think you are right? I guess you still haven't looked at your own profile yet lol. But I'm pretty sure by now, you are trying to continue this argument for the sake of XP. Contradicting? If you noticed I also said PROVOKE someone, which clearly you did. If you don't call it provoking and being an absolute dickhead, I don't know what is. And which part of you think that I am taking this personally? I'm here trying to defend my blog from jackasses like you. Okay that is literally ironic how you said my logic was autistic. That's literally straight AUTISM how your mind comprehended what I said... You literally just changed what I completely meant. If you have gone to school, at least you would hear someone say "keep it to yourself if you have nothing good to say". I do accept constructive criticism, but to just bash on someone and call something with "0 creativity" without actually laying an eyebrow on a single word on something, is just interesting. People like you are the exact reason why society have such high expectations upon each other. World will never progress if everyone decides to say shit to each other. I am not even close to running low on arguments. And what makes you believe that you think your opinion is correct other than having such high expectation on a SAMP blog? I would love to hear why you would think I will try to roast you, when all that is said about you is pretty much facts. If you are insecure about being roasted, you should start being self aware about your reputation on this site. I think you already know people are actually congratulating you being banned because they know how big of a faggot you are, which goes back to the point that you should "CHECK YOURSELF BEFORE YOU REKT YOURSELF". For the record, how much times am I going to say that you are not the person who should judge whether something is crap or not. Who do you think you really are to judge someone or something? And my advice is for you to step up your reputation or don't bother continuing this argument as it will only get worse for you. If you don't have anything to say, please stop trying to change facts to fiction
08/08/2017If you bother to even look at some words rather than pictures, it would be quite apparent that i meant resizing for dimensions on this site. Well, if it was a stupid question, what was the point of answering it? Oh wait, I guess you're gonna call this question stupid too. K. If that's what you call a meme, I'm not gonna go against your opinions... but that's normie as fuck lmfao. First of all, you shouldn't be calling someone an idiot when you started to flame and provoke someone. But what's even funnier is that you are judging people's blog post and calling what is quality and what's not, when you don't even have a blog yourself. And hey, going back to the point of you trying to be a almighty savage cunt, before you judge someone's quality, take a look at your profile. You are literally posting shit on threads and people's screenshots that have no purpose other than probably to XP farm. I see nothing that has quality other than you trying to provoke people. Maybe you started this flame war on purpose just to farm XP you wanker. TL;DR: I'm pretty sure your ass is gonna skim through the paragraph i typed above, because you know, you only judge a book by its cover. But here's another paragraph. Please do us a favor and just shut up when a thread has none of your business, and if you don't have anything good to say other than to bash on others, please also shut up. Not only you are completely toxic to the server by getting banned for cheating in the past, I'm pretty sure you got caught again for the same reason. It's actually sad that you people still cheat in a old ass game.
07/08/2017Deadass are you high? I said it was a Photoshop tutorial a shit ton of times in this whole blog post starting from the beginning to the end. And before you say something about the title being misleading, I already know it is. I'm pretty sure I included some information about how signatures on this website work with resizing, and that you can't find on Youtube with voice and visual commentary. I never planned on focusing to put creativity on this blog post. What was the point of being here if you do know how to use it? You are allowed to post anything in your blog as you wish, you are not limited to SAMP related content for blogs. At least I spent my 15 minutes doing something that's more productive than bashing on someone's shit. // And oh yeah, I don't see much creativity in your signature either, just a rotating ball with an emoji that's probably made in Blender or something. And stop trying to act savage on the forums you cunt, you are literally one of the problem within this community especially on these servers. TL;DR: Fuck outta here with your bullshit and go spread it somewhere else.
07/08/2017Did you really expect me to write a whole blog with step by step tutorial on anything more advanced than this. This blog is meant to learn the basics of PS, cus apparently some people do find it hard lmao. And you didn't even bother to read the first section out of this whole blog, let alone even bother reading the second part.
07/08/2017First song is Night Lovell - Still cold
Second song is Big Sean - Blessings
To summarize, just find the beats of the music, and split the clips accordingly to the beat, then just get some plugins and drag it on to the clips.
13/06/2017lol i was gonna make a tut for more advanced stuff like glows and stuff + project file but i got too lazy to type it
lynda is good tho
i dont even know lol, its some shitty enb i got off from gamemodding lmfao
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