



farazi Helper Legendary player

Forum posts (345)

a question

Hi, you will need to buy the 80% one to get 80% armor, if you purchase 20% and apply it on your vehicle, it will go from 60% to 20%.


Hi, no it won't stack, for 100 armor you will need to buy the 100% one. Please ask such questions in game from /helpers.


Hi, please refer to the blog posts given below, there are solutions given for FPS issues; |FPS & PING | FPS Increasing Pack As always, we do not support any mods on our servers & you're using them at your own risk.

Searching gold bars 1 #summer2024

my favorite event :3 thanks a lot !

Application for admin role

Hello, you can send helper application from this page make sure to read the requirements before applying.

Events, actions and streams

The event is over and the winners are: S2 TheArrow GetLaw S3 Not many players from s3 participated, so the prize will go to the ones who did. Aimbrozzz Edwards I'll send the prize money to winners when they are online. Congrats and thanks for participating.

Events, actions and streams

Hello, I'll be hosting a small event here on web. Players have to post memes on my wall and the players with best memes will win. - The prize is $2000,000 - Players from S2 & S3 can participate. There will be 2 winners from each server. - Each player can post 2 memes, the rewards wont be halved. - If someone is banned in game, they can't participate. I'll contact the winners through web for their rewards. The event will end on 24/06/2024.

forget my password

Hello, you can reset your password from this page >>> Linked Accounts Once you click on "Reset Password'' button, it will send an email to you, click on the link in that email and it will redirect you to the website and you can set new password.

Post the funny things you saw here.

Talk about comedic timing in that lag kick

Bug reports on web 12/06/2024
Suggestions on web

- On our user profile, there should be a separate list of those players who we blocked on web. Like there's a list in game to check that. This list should appear for that user only. - Players with Premium Account should receive double XP on web for their activities such as adding likes / comments / forum posts etc. - When we turn on Display Gaming Activity for others, it should only show the Recently Played tab and not the Most Gaming Time tab since gaming time is related to Display Stats settings.

GTA SA MP CZ 2 Property Information

Hey there, about your vehicle you can get it back by buying the same garage again. You can check it's location by using the command "/savedvehicles". - As for checking the time limit of your garage and you can type /garages to check the remaining days. Alternatively you can go to "Computer > Dynasty8 Webpage > Purchased to check the days your garage has before expiry. You can renew the garage from the same page. - Unlike the garages, properties only have 5 days limit. You can check by typing /properties to see when your properties will expire and no you can't renew properties.

Comments to updates on SA-MP

Good update


Hello, as far as i know you can play using gamepad since the auto aim feature of gamepad is disabled in SA-MP, apologies if i wrote anything wrong.

help drug wars

Hello, please check out this blog post Drug Base by player Acceonit

Suggestion on SA-MP

Hey there, there's already a thread for suggestions, you can add them to this thread

Bug reports on web

When we private a video, it's thumbnail disappears on web which makes sense as it is private now. But when we set that video to unlisted or public, the video plays but thumbnail doesn't appear on our profile > Videos section. It wasn't happening on old web as far as i remember.

Report 26/04/2024
1 2 3 4 5... 18

About farazi:

Nothing written yet.

Registered: 06/07/2020

Logged in: 7 hours ago

Recently played

No gaming activity yet

Most gaming time

No gaming activity yet

Recent achievements

Buy 10 lottery tickets Completed 10/04/2024
Play 5000 hours on game servers Completed 06/01/2024
Add 50 screenshots Completed 24/09/2023