



Happy Saint Patrick's Day to all players!
Excalibur n00b

Forum posts (616)

Issues with installing samp

Bro, it was such a dumb thing
The installer was looking for gta_sa.exe but my game's exe file was renamed to 'setup' so it couldn't find it to install LMAO
I got it solved

Issues with installing samp

Hey, bit of a noob moment here but I have the game in my D drive instead of C and i go to the game directory to select the GTA SA folder but it does not let me select, am i missing something?

Plugin for 0.3.7 R3

There was a plugin for 0.3.7 r3 that fixed the draw distance and multiple other bugs
does anyone have it?

Where to...

I don't remember the certain date but i'll dm you about which specific one i'm looking for!

//EDIT: Please close.

Where to...

hey, how's everyone doing?
i had a question about where to find when and how much USD you transferred to a user, i don't remember the whole thing but it shows in your notifications but your notifications get cleared after sometimes.
i wanted to check past logs about it


Read and apply here: Good luck!


few months? how long exactly? if the vehicle can be found in logs, you might be refunded but players who have not played for over a year or maybe even 5 months have lost there items in garage. good luck


s4 can only be played with the new samp version 0.3dl and s1 and s4 is only for some countries and most are banned they wont be applying s4 updates and changes to s2/3 , that's why they made the server...

The Server Makes Fun Of Me

First: If the server banned you then its correct and you wont be unbanned! Second: just google what that is, you arent that dumb... Third: Dont underestimate the staff and the system! have a good day or rather a good vacation!

VOTE! Purchasing businesses

The most loss we will have from the update is the selling prices will be reduced a bit but now a days more people buy from auction or grow there own as that's cheaper so with the new update it can do both effects , we can wait and see... Wondering if it will be like the old props days or similar when we used to fight over a handful of props lmao But still it will be a sight to see XD

VOTE! Purchasing businesses

new system (o-o)/

Bug reports on SA-MP

Had to buy 2 vehicles from the military website to get the achievement, 1st time i bought rhino(didnt notice the achievement as i didnt get it)
2nd time bought patriot then i got notice on chat that i have got the achievement

Suggestions on SA-MP

That's your job hahhaha tho i had a question if it will also save a vehicle like a dumper which we cant save in carslot...

Comments to updates on SA-MP

If your trying to make the server peaceful with less DM and all, that's basically going against the game name itself which is " Grand Theft Auto" Yes i know you have the most experience and influence and the idea or though will probably be implemented as well... Some players are just here for the fun of Death matching and making other players rage etc which is the essence of almost every PVP game and MP. I really like how the server is progressing but trying to demotivate isnt gonna change much, they will find new ways and which arent limit from my POV. Example: You remove aircraft bombs, they go back to spamming hunter kills as prices are cheap using airstrikes as they always do and maybe even find something totally unexpected! But hey, thanks for your effort The explosion radius is pretty big but you need to be precise now as they drop slowly, meaning higher chances of getting destroyed before you even get a kill lol

Comments to updates on SA-MP

I think it only counts the vehicles purchased via /sell and /auction If (which i dont think is a feature of the new update) it saves vehicles purchased from computer then same can be said for the vehicles purchased from /shop or car showroom but like i said it's the above mentioned! Correct me if im wrong!

Comments to updates on SA-MP

Kinda glad it got added and thanks :D

help me Brooke scammer

Its written in rules that you arent allowed to auction items for other players and it is punishable! You on the other hand decided to believe him and sold the nrg when its written in red text that Be careful of such things and there is even a confirmation box etc Just be careful next time and its good!


When was this update added?
before or after the gold bar event?
Im sure the forum isnt updated yet
but thanks :D
time to get a top lel

see admin post

make your own thread! you got your answer here : you made

EVENT! Searching gold bars

thank you!

1 2 3 4 5... 31

About Excalibur:

- Come back to SA-MP in 2020 | CHECK ✔

- Check profile in in 2022 | CHECK ✔

- Check profile in in 2024 | CHECK ✔

Registered: 12/03/2015

Logged in: 04/08/2024

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Recent achievements

Receive 1000 likes Completed 21/12/2020
Create a video with 1000 views Completed 30/08/2019
Make 500 posts on the forums Completed 19/07/2018