



Happy Saint Patrick's Day to all players!
Eso Goon

Friends (200)

Eso and miachl are friends
Eso and pELEGRINO are friends
Eso and ToMmY are friends
Eso and eSing are friends
Eso and ulumulu are friends
Eso and MARTHI are friends
Eso and PIXEL are friends
Eso and ergeeen are friends
Eso and flash87 are friends
Eso and Greg are friends
Eso and DJFrank are friends
Eso and Bobby are friends
Eso and Sniper are friends
Eso and Fresco are friends
Eso and Stevo are friends
Eso and Majkl578 are friends
Eso and cpira are friends
Eso and Skyline are friends
Eso and cz01doly are friends
Eso and Next are friends
1 2 3 4 5... 10

About Eso:

Nothing written yet.

Registered: 07/12/2009

Logged in: 12/05/2024

Recently played

10 months ago - Played 20 hours and 10 minutes
1 year ago - Played 0 minutes
12 years ago - Played 1 hour and 15 minutes

Most gaming time

4753 hours and 40 minutes
3143 hours and 0 minutes
15 hours and 45 minutes

Recent achievements

Win in 50 contests Completed 11/01/2024
Add 50 wall posts Completed 22/04/2023
Play 5000 hours on game servers Completed 21/04/2023