But this post is not about that. So why even bother to talk about it? make a new thread for that?
22/02/2014So u telling me that u wanted to report me for killing you just becouse i wasent in a gang? u r hilarious my friend.
And i have never "stalked" anyone. I just kill the ppl who get's in my way. And in this case, WhiskeY ran BACK to us every single time we killed him.
Idk if this is enough proof but anyway, WhiskeY is abusing his power. Me and my friend just got kicked for 60 min for "stalking an admin". Alright, but the truth is that he ran into us 2-4 times and we killed him. Dunno how that make u break any rules?
Uploaded a Print screen when we got kicked.
Registered: 17/12/2013
Logged in: 20/10/2014