



Happy Saint Patrick's Day to all players!
Ecchi Nobody Special

Forum posts (117)

Suggestions on FiveM

A radio in the casino penthouse would be nice.

10 hours
Suggestions on FiveM

I'm wondering if some of the podium vehicles could be vehicles we can't buy from the dealerships like the Drift Yosemite, Drift Tampa, Lost MC Slamvan, Slamvan Custom, Slamtruck, clean version of the large Tow Truck, etc. It would be awesome if the Phantom Custom could be one of them too, but I'm pretty certain it's too large to fit on the podium. Maybe make it a scratch card prize instead.

14 hours
Bug reports on FiveM

Twice today I was unable to sell warehouse goods. I just bought the large warehouse in Cypress Flats, so perhaps this bug is linked to that specific warehouse because I've never had this issue when selling from other warehouses and I've sold a lot of goods (top on FiveM2). I wouldn't mind if I could cancel the sale, but there's currently no way to do that, so my only option is to relog when it happens.

Bug reports on FiveM

The criminal notification sound gets stuck playing constantly when doing the cop job and doesn't stop even after quitting the job. Another player told me it was also happening for him.

Bug reports on FiveM

The woman behind the bar in the casino says thanks in a man's voice

Bug reports on FiveM

Encountered a bug where I couldn't shoot during Protect The President.

Bug reports on FiveM

Unshootable zombies in Undead Nightmare events. This bug has been around for a while now, but this was the first time I was able to capture it. A player just died because of it before I started recording and I have died because of it before too.

Bug reports on FiveM

Player outside of the ring in boxing match

Bug reports on FiveM

The skateboard skill stat appears to be bugged. I've ridden my skateboard quite a bit since it was implemented, but my skill is still at 0. I've spoken to another player who does a lot of the skateboard stunt challenges and his skateboard skill stat is also still at 0.

Suggestions on FiveM

-The ability to choose a custom destination when using a taxi. I keep choosing warehouse, hoping it will set the destination to my closest owned warehouse, but it pretty much always sets it to a random unowned one. Being able to choose a custom destination would make taxis actually useful for getting places instead of what happens now, which is the taxi driver takes the customer to the destination, then they take them back to where they got in (usually the ammunation next to office 6)
-The ability to ride on NPC-driven buses for a small fee
-The ability to create our own gangs/MC's. Perhaps there could be gang/MC drug production facilities with drug sales missions that would work similarly CEO work. Each member could choose which drug they want to sell, then they have to transport the drugs to the buyer to receive a payout.

Comments to updates on FiveM

The new damage system is too much, especially when doing the trucker job. Now if you have the slightest collision, your trailer gets completely destroyed.

Suggestions on FiveM

Add an area next to petrol stations where we can repair and customise large vehicles such as trucks. This is something that's sorely needed as doing it in Benny's is buggy and it's annoying to try and maneuver a large vehicle into it when there's other players there wanting to use it. It creates needless frustration.

Bug reports on FiveM

I have the stock spoiler installed on my ETR1, but it spawns without it. Also, the hand carwash is no longer working. I just used it and my car is still dirty. Edit: I just used the hand carwash a second time and it worked.

Bug reports on FiveM

It's the one inside this ammunation Also, the payphone at the docks is invisible

Bug reports on FiveM

The payphone in Cypress Flats ammunation is bugged. When you use it, the camera goes into the void and if you use it enough times, the server kicks you for cheats, as I've just found out.

Bug reports on FiveM

Notifications for TDM's showing in races for some reason

Bug reports on FiveM

The metro trains still go ridiculous speeds and sometimes destroy your vehicle even if you're not on the tracks.

Suggestions on FiveM

Please change the nitrous button on controller to something other than the left analog stick. It makes people think you're purposely honking your horn at them and it's annoying af.

How will expanded and enhanced affect FiveM?

I'm just wondering how playing on the FiveM servers will work after upgrading to the expanded and enhanced version. Will I need to downgrade my game every time I want to play on the servers?

Suggestions on FiveM

Add NPC taxi fares in Grapeseed and Sandy Shores please. My CEO hasn't bought farmer CW and I'm not travelling back down to LS to do CW every time.

1 2 3 4 5 6

About Ecchi:

πŸ„ΏπŸ…πŸ„΄πŸ…‚πŸ„΄πŸ„½πŸ…ƒ πŸ„³πŸ„°πŸ…ˆ πŸ…‡πŸ…‡ πŸ„ΏπŸ…πŸ„΄πŸ…‚πŸ„΄πŸ„½πŸ…ƒ πŸ…ƒπŸ„ΈπŸ„ΌπŸ„΄

Registered: 18/07/2024

Logged in: 5 hours ago

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Make 100 posts on the forums Completed 21/02/2025
Create a screenshot with 100 views Completed 12/01/2025
Leave 50 comments Completed 20/12/2024