“Age: 17 years
Languages: Arabic (native speaker), English (learning 8 years)
Total gaming time on the server: 1915 hours
Gaming time per day: 2-5 hours
Registration on web: 03.02.2017
Server: San Andreas 3 (s3.gta-multiplayer.cz:7777)
I have read apply requirements and rules of apply described at First post in this thread.”
“Age: 16 years
Languages: Arabic (native speaker), English (8 year)
Total gaming time on the server: 1623 hours
Gaming time per day: 2-5 hours
Registration on web: 03.02.2017
Server: San Andreas 3 (s3.gta-multiplayer.cz:7777)
I have read apply requirements and rules of apply described at First post in this thread.”
“Age: 15 years
Languages: Arabic (native speaker), English (8 year)
Total gaming time on the server: 743 hours
Gaming time per day: 2-5 hours
Registration on web: 02.02.2017
Server: San Andreas 3 (s3.gta-multiplayer.cz:7777)
I have read apply requirements and rules of apply described at First post in this thread.”
Thiere hacker kill all players in s3 banned him
Edit : he kill us like a /kill
do you have any proof ??? -__- //Isaac: Learn to use the EDIT button, and learn to read
12/09/2017moderator issac why banned me godmode lol you have any Directories ?? + i don't have godmode -_-
12/09/2017R3kT the problem from my net so Ashley till me what do and i can play s3 now !! :)
01/08/2017why i admin lexuz banned me with out Reason
this is the link for the pecture
Registered: 03/02/2017
Logged in: 05/03/2023
No gaming activity yet
No gaming activity yet