



Happy Saint Patrick's Day to all players!

Forum posts (16)

Suggestions on SA-MP

i would like ti Suggest donating by Western union duo the unability to donate from some countries
and the minimum donation with western union should be 10 or 20 dollar
this will be really usefull for coutries that don't support paypal or bank transfers like Algeria
35% or S3 players are algerians
im waiting your reply niCe

--- Apply for helper ---

Age: 20 years
Languages: Arabic (native speaker), English-French (learning 8 years)
Total gaming time on the server: 510 hours
Gaming time per day: 5-8 hours
Registration on web: 24.11.2016
Server: San Andreas 3 (
I have read apply requirements and rules of apply described at First post in this thread.

Anticheat bug

Hello guys im going through this experience since 2 weeks , that is im getting kicked by anticheats in 2 diffirent situation
1st- getting killed by someone while im holding smg for (weapon hack)
2nd- always getting kicked on tdm explosive situation (minigun tdm) for infinity ammo
Please any suggestion?

--- Apply for helper ---

“Age: 20 years
Languages: Arabic (native speaker), English,Frensh (learning 9 years)
Total gaming time on the server: 432 hours
Gaming time per day: 3-5 hours
Registration on web: 24.11.2016
Server: San Andreas 3 (
I have read apply requirements and rules of apply described at First post in this thread.”

Kubura abusing admin commands.

and niCe that the prob on server 3
so many unfair admins

Kubura abusing admin commands.

thats not my point and i dont mind that i know u are the owner but still u dont know about Tranq (sorry for my language)

Kubura abusing admin commands.

he a;ways stalk our chat and say it in normal chat dont try to defend him

Kubura abusing admin commands.

HooDie u know we are in war
Tranq and other player u know alot about that
read chat

Kubura abusing admin commands.

he is always stalking on our chat like friends chat . Team chat even pms some times and thats not for the first time
thats isnt fair tho
i have pictures i just didnt know how to post them

To The Lead Manger

dont talk about respect players dude please you what im talking about lmao

since im not banned i can use VPN?

i didnt help him and didnt know that he was cheating so please learn how to talk to peoples

since im not banned i can use VPN?

i will see the admin answer first its not ban evad cuz im not banned

since im not banned i can use VPN?

well the cracker got banned cuz he is my brother and he playing on the other pc
and i got banned cuz we have same ip
i think its ok to use vpn and play

got banned for godmode and wasnt using any hacks

stringz was shooting with hunter and i was near that so bombs started pushing me up and after 10 sec veky banned me for godmode
i swear i wasnt using any hacks or something like that

I Did Not Receive My Premium Account

thanks < 3

I Did Not Receive My Premium Account

my premium dissapeared after the give away with 5 minuts


About Dr1v3r:

Nothing written yet.

Registered: 25/11/2016

Logged in: 11/05/2018

Recently played

6 years ago - Played 2 hours and 25 minutes

Most gaming time

587 hours and 30 minutes

Recent achievements

Create a screenshot with 50 views Completed 01/11/2021
Receive 10 likes Completed 05/10/2020
Create a screenshot with 10 views Completed 05/05/2018