It would be nice, if ever possible, to add a speed dial on phone contacts (specifically for missions). Thanks
21/04/2019Application: Helper postion
Server: San Andreas Multiplayer 3
Name: Deniseee
Age: 21
Language: English, Tagalog (Native)
Registered on web: 02/06/2014
Total gaming time on web: 3376 hours
Gaming time per day: weekdays 1-2. Weekends 2-5hours
Seen him teleporting as well. Also, shot him while he was just standing and i heard the "ding" sound but nope, he didn't lose health. Hoping this would be investigated soon since it's on forum and he'll probably be seeing this soon. He'll just play dumb like nothing happened. Thank you.
04/12/2016At the M4 TDM in San Fierro, we lose our weapons when we try to leave the TDM by jumping out of the ship twice.
20/05/2016Players who jump on the roulette table will get killed when someone is gambling.
15/05/2016Add an impromptu notification after inviting a player for a race. Ex: You have invited player for an impromptu race.
27/04/2016Friends in friends list gets doubled after re-purchasing premium, when we add friends (during no prem) which were automatically removed.
After re-purchasing premium.
Friends List:
Player A (premium slot)
Player A (added when lost prem)
It should be possible to have multiple tints for the weapons. For example, we can buy ammu nation tints, pink and gold tint for each weapon. Just add a command like /tints or /weapontints where we can check and choose the tints of the weapons which we want to use. With this, there wont be a problem by accidentally buying a tint from ammu nation. And it can also be a way to enjoy all the tints for the weapons.
04/03/2016Add an exit arrow at the bike driving school. Make the boat at boat driving school accessible for a few seconds after reaching the last lap so the player can drive to land instead of swimming.
01/03/2016At "The Da Nang Thang TDM", when we jump out of the boat for a couple of times to leave the TDM, we lose our weapons. I dont think it's because of my ping as it happened to the others who joined it and tried to leave as well.
19/02/2016Players should not be able to eat or drink while on a tdm/dm Add a skull on the minimap for this tdm /respawn should only work for unoccupied vehicles or at least not for the vehicle the owner is currently using.
12/09/2015Add a toggle on /settings of /empty and /respawn as 'IN CHAT' instead of a pop out window. When I /empty my vehicle I have to close the window to /respawn it. Not all players types very fast so even before respawning it the player i ejected from it have entered it again. thanks
04/09/2015It would be convenient if the safe money will be included in /inventory. Thank you.
25/06/2015Application: Helper postion
Server: San Andreas Multiplayer 3
Name: Queen27nos (will change to QueenB soon :D)
Age: 20
Language: English, Tagalog (Native)
Registered on web: 02/06/2014
Total gaming time on web: 1781 hours
Gaming time per day: 2-5 hours
this suggestion is good and would be better if after the trade, the traded vehicle will be saved instantly on the house where the other original vehicle was used to be stored. because there are instances when they do a trade where one saved his car at lv, and the other at ls, it is too risky to drive all the way to lv to save it after the trade is done.
02/06/20151. cars that are saved should never be locked to the owner even if someone else used it and locked it. there are cases when players who we unlocked the car to, tries to steal and even locks it, then when we use /empty its just not useful at all since the car has already been locked.
2. add /leavetdm /leavedm /leaveminigame (but its mostly for the tdm on the cargo ship)
Registered: 02/06/2014
Logged in: 06/01/2025
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