



Happy Saint Patrick's Day to all players!
Cyrano34 Player

Forum posts (14)

Bug reports on SA-MP

Ok i got all my settings back to normal but now, some sounds have disapeared like : the stock market sound effect when yu buy shares and also the music in casino i think.

Bug reports on SA-MP

I did that, now i don't even see the servers appearing

Bug reports on SA-MP

Hi, I downloaded MTA and installed it because i wanted to play it a bit with a friend then after that i went back to samp but the resolution had changed and now its like 800X600 or something and i can't change it. I tried to uninstalled MTA, then samp and also gta sa then i reinstalled gta sa + samp but it's still the same shitty resolution and i can't do shit. Plz if someone already had some compatibilities problems with MTA and samp plz help me.

Bug reports on SA-MP

I can't count or remember all the times that happened to me but now it's starting to annoy me a little bit.
You see i often join tdms and dms and sometimes i crash during these. Then when i relogg, poof ! The minigun ammos or the RPGs i was carying are gone.
It's never a big ammount of ammos but if i could count in total.. but yeah sry i don't keep a paper where i note every ammos i lost coz of buggs, it just happened so many times to me and i just wanted to let you know about this.
So for now i'll just stop joining tdm or dm when i'm carrying heavy weaponery.
Thanks for reading.

Katniss: constant abuse & lack of punishment

All these things stealth is talking about happened to me. I know this player since long, his account been erased but he can still play. One of his old name was Rayo and more recently Heathercharger. This is just unfair and stupid that he's still around with his hacks.
So basically this guy uses locate hack, i also never seen these kind of laggs, he basically moves by teleporting everyhwere because of his laggs its barely impossible to shoot at him and once you managed to do it somehow (with some boom bomm generally) he will quit or afk abuse always. The guy laggs in such an unfair way i dont know how to explain it but it gives him godmode sometimes and just an unfair advantage. I have witnessed it, i know what i saw and i'm not here to record my gaming times but just to have fun.
Point is, we all know he's old famous haxor ruining our fun but we're not doing anything and that's too bad.

Bug reports on SA-MP

I was using security camera in my house then i suddently died by suicide just like that. Then another time, same thing, i was using security camera but this time it made me die from a fall. I didn't even see my character fall, i just died like that, poof ! Diaz This is samp bug I believe so sadly I don't think there is cure for that.

Mercy for a great player.

I'm sry to bother you but i am making this thread to talk about my friend's case Baloch aka Darkyy/Agression.. He's a very nice player, he always respected the rules and enjoyed playing in this server. I don't know exactly what he said to get himself a perm ban and all his stats erased but it was about the removal of dual weps and i know he wasn't happy about that. He may have been disrepectful and i can understand that but he always respected the server and this community in the end. I think he doesnt deserve this severe punishment just for speaking his mind and writing simple words. The irony is strong since the dual weps feature has been added back a few days after that story. I'm asking for a second chance for him, in the name of all the friends he made and all the good moments he had here, and because i still think this is a bit unfair for an honest player like him. Because he played here a lot, and like me, he loved improving his stats and playing here.
Thx for reading this and for this server.

A deal which gone wrong.

""If a vehicle is without owner it will despawn automatically about after 10 minutes""
thats what im saying, it didnt last 10 mintues it last less than that thats lame !

A deal which gone wrong.

i was just meaning the car dissapeared very fast by talkin about these 3mins and i think admins could give some money in game or something for these kinds of accidents coz its very annoying and not entirely players fault.... just saying

A deal which gone wrong.

Hello everyone
I am making this thread to report a deal with a friend which ended up making his car dissapeared. First of all he sold it to me for 0 using the /sell command. Then i entered the car and auction it. But nobody bid for it so the car standed there. Then i remember i was standing near the car waiting for the auction cooldown for like 3Min and the car just dissapeared like this... It was an half tuned hotring but the owner, my friend, cared about that car but especially the money he could have won with it. Please be generous with him because i am feeling very embarassed and confused toward him.
Thanx for reading.

Suggestions on SA-MP

Hello. Could you add a red /bandana in s2 ? Thanx

30 day premium event! -S2-

nice... but im hungry. GLHF all !

Suggestions on SA-MP

After 2 or 3 kicked for deathmatching in a day there should be a ban or a longer kick. 5 minutes is too short, the player has just enought time to go to pee and come back in game to start deathmatching again... It should discourage the player more and have more penalties. Just saying

Contest! S2 - Assassinations!

Thats awesome


About Cyrano34:

French GTA San Andreas lover

Registered: 20/08/2015

Logged in: 23/07/2024

Recently played

5 years ago - Played 5 minutes

Most gaming time

4702 hours and 35 minutes

Recent achievements

Leave 1000 comments Completed 11/08/2021
Add 100 screenshots Completed 26/08/2018
Receive 1000 likes Completed 12/07/2018