



Clouds Legendary player

Forum posts (67)


LoryMK Helped me,Thank you Lory, you can lock the thread.

question 16/07/2022
Refund - Clouds 01/07/2022
Refund - Clouds 27/06/2022
Refund - Clouds 14/06/2022
Refund - Clouds 14/06/2022
Refund - Clouds 14/06/2022
Refund - Clouds 13/06/2022
Refund - Clouds 11/06/2022
Refund - Clouds 11/06/2022
Refund - Clouds 11/06/2022
Refund - Clouds 10/06/2022
Refund - Clouds 08/06/2022
i apologize

i was don't know that is a abuse i arleady asked Gro0ot ''ADMIN' and he agree with that, also now im blameing myself and apologize for thing i arleady asked for it im worng that i didn't take a screenshot but was long time ago and i won't lie it's not my first time i do that thing i did it many times and admins joined arleady and saw it no body tell me atleast warn me you must ban me if u warn me and if i kept doing it but can you tell me how i could know that ? if you tell me im gonna wait this 7days for my unban.

i apologize

i apologize for what i did ''abuse in event'' i really was don't know that bug can lead me to get ban, I am tired of knowing to enter the server and I do not know what to do other than to apologize for what I did and I will never repeat this act again and apologize to the lead administrator R3kt and im hopping to get a chance to get unban becuase im really really want to back again thanks for your time


i get ban today for abuse in events by Lead Administrator R3kt i was don't know what to do so i go to Discord server and asked for help and Administator Shpetz Replied me after we chat the thing was that i was throwing gernades faster more than others in event Hobotron befor i use this truck in that event i asked Administrator Gro0ot if it's allowed or no and he agreed that no proplem with it even in that time he did it and now i get banned for abuse in events without warn or someone letting me know if that not allowed or no. Even when i was newbie in the server i team in event once and race once and didn't get 10hours like others no i get ban 30days each ban do i really deserve this ?

My Police Ranger Bugged

The Proplem Solved you can lock the thread

Thanks !

My Police Ranger Bugged

im not sure about it im unlock my cars for friends but it was in garage so might no one ride it, might be bug

My Police Ranger Bugged

Everytime i call it it says ''this vehicle can't be deleiverd'' i tried to /empty and /respawn but still can't call it i go to garage and /respawn then it says ''No vehicle could been respawned'' or smth like that also i can call the other vehicles that i own I Saved it in Willowfeild Garage Time Around : 21:00-21:30 Server 2 Name : [Ramadan]Clouds


Tomorrow i played 12h non stop when i tried to cheak /webmoney it says ''No players found'' same with /market

i Rstarted 2 times and didn't get my 8 Tokens for played 12h non stop hope i get refund.

Name : Clouds

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About Clouds:

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Registered: 26/04/2020

Logged in: 15/08/2022

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Recent achievements

Play 5000 hours on game servers Completed 25/06/2022
Create a screenshot with 500 views Completed 23/06/2022
Make 50 posts on the forums Completed 31/03/2022