



chujciwdupe Vandal

Forum posts (6)

Lost connection and i lost my hunter

Hello i lost connection for 2 secs when i was flying above the city and when i log in my hunter despawned. Could you at least give me back my money? Thank you

Admin _Jalla Keep bullying me for no reason

Nobody will reckognize me now, i feel like ive been banned only for my name, not for cheating, not for scamming, just by name.Thank you all who supporting me. This is ten percent luck Twenty percent skill Fifteen percent concentrated power of will Five percent pleasure Fifty percent pain And a hundred percent reason to remember the name

Admin _Jalla Keep bullying me for no reason

But my fiend, Ive already changed My name as Dear _Jalla wanted. Try to put my new name : chu)ciwdupe to translator and u will see that is nothing. Translator would translate to chu)ciwdupe. So if u dont know a wordplay there is not anytihng inapropriate.

Admin _Jalla Keep bullying me for no reason

Yes, I am my friend, but its jus a wordplay, almost nobody ever reckongized it. Dear Theseus, by that i mean, my Dear Father was that nickname in many games that's why I called myself that because it reminds me of him. I wouldnt offend anyone by that, i love peace and harmony God bless you all. And thats sad i couldnt play on this server anymore, that was a great journey.

Admin _Jalla Keep bullying me for no reason

Dear _Jalla,

My name now in free translation means nothing inapropriate, ok i understand you was rigth, but now my name chu)ciwdupe means nothing! What chu) means? what ciwdupe means? there is no kinda words in my language Its just a wordplay, nobody ever beed offended by that, nobody ever write to me to change it, noone from admins ever reckognize there is sth wrong. A very little players from my country could, and even them always keep saying bro, thats great nickname. Only you, Dear _Jalla had a problem with it. I just want to play peacefully, i dont want to harass or bully anyone, just let me play please.
Yours sincerely chu)ciwdupe.

Admin _Jalla Keep bullying me for no reason

Admin _Jalla does not stop persecuting me, I did what he told me, I changed my nickname to chu) ciwdupe but only for him he is still inappropriate for some reason. I talked to other moderators in the game who said it's okay now, but for some reason, Mr. _Jalla took a look at me and thought he would ban me for it. Please help, this nickname means a lot to me, it reminds me of my deceased father, many people will not recognize me if I have to change it. I am asking for help, I did not do anything wrong, I did not hurt anyone. Yours sincerely chu) ciwdupe.


About chujciwdupe:


Registered: 26/02/2022

Logged in: 26/12/2024

Recently played

16 hours ago - Played 30 minutes

Most gaming time

1341 hours and 15 minutes

Recent achievements

Purchase premium account Completed 10/03/2024
Play 1000 hours on game servers Completed 03/03/2024
Play 500 hours on game servers Completed 28/03/2023