Damn, i wish there was something possible to do, like even only the money
20/10/2024Is it possibile to transfer my stats and like any other things or in some parts, from WTLS 1 server to WTLS 2, so i’ll play in a english lobby even tho there are less people.
20/10/2024Lmao, u know wanna change everything in ur favor. mate it doesn't work like that. u muted me once for saying someone to stop crying, while u can say it? Btw it's a report on you, so someone else should answer
12/10/2024Seems like Stop crying u repeat it 2 times isn't enough. See you still wanna change subkect, while i talk about different things. The report is about the admin being toxic, not about being muted. I know what i said and it's ok. but i don't accept the fact u still being toxic
12/10/2024Soooo, after being muted for being toxic saying to someone stop crying, BUT an admin can say it, is ok?
See, you still haven't answered anything. The 10 iq came way after everything. u just wanted a reason to mute me, while u kept being toxic and telling me to stop crying
I'll post a video for proof, cuz i can't belive ur still stuck on the contest
12/10/2024After a while i wasn't even talking anymore about the contest, but about why u can't answer my questions and why u kept saying stop crying
12/10/2024I called you 10 iq cuz you can't answer what i asked, and u kept telling me to stop crying
12/10/2024Time 14:10
I asked about the contest that got removed, no answers from RodMart and Skopi. I said i've done 600 skills, and he answered "Oh no you did 600 xp, I am giving you 10 Tokens"? "We are not the devs, you know that right?". So i asked about why it hasn't been tested or something like that, cuz even the help bot is not working properly; he said i'm asking bland questions. I said it's just sad that's not working, and he asnwered "Crying over functions that is being tested, while i only talked about the help bot once. Then i said to try and fix it, and he called me Mr.i know it. Then again " stop crying over nothing" "U want to get muted" "Stop spamming for questions that have been asnwered" which they haven't been asnwered. Then he even started making fun of me like "Contest is not working, catto does the contest, catto is suprised like pikachu" while i'm still trying to get an answer why it wasn't working. The final thing i asked cuz i didn't even know anymore about the contest was: Why if i say to someon to stop crying i get muted for being toxic, but an admin can? And he answer: " you got your answer, move on" I still asked why i can get muted for saying someone to stop crying but he can say it, and he replies that he already answered me. And he muted me for 5 Hours.
the fact that pressing R1 unlocks and locks the vehicle, is pretty annoying, now it's worse. I hope they add customizable commands
11/10/2024There is a way to abuse invicibilty to avoid being killed while having a bounty. The way to do it is going to an ammu nation to buy a gun. While buying a gun you’ll get invicibilty, and do avoid going afk you just have to move the mouse. I hope it gets fixed cuz it can get abused a lot
11/10/2024About the afk thing, that the timer stops, he just have to move the mouse so he doesn’t get afk and can abuse the invicibilty.
11/10/2024Idk what the admin who answered under the other post is smoking, but i’m talking about a different thing. When the player gets inside the ammu nation, and goes to buying guns, the times still goes, and he just has to wait till he gets the reward. It’s not so hard to understand that the inside of ammu nation is not an interior. Fix it, thx
11/10/2024I set a bounty on a player, and the the first thing he done was going to an ammu nation, getting inside to the shop to buy a gun and then afk there. The player gets invicibility and just have to afk to get the reward from the bounty. The timer should stop as it happens in interiors.
11/10/2024Since today, with the rebla gts, sometimes i fall under the map and i even got kicked for cheats
25/09/2024Registered: 17/10/2018
Logged in: 28/02/2025
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