S2 Selling Methlab with Car slot in El Quebrados https://i.imgur.com/SJtL7E3.png Message me in-game or web for negotiation
14/12/2024Adding minimum and maximum value of houses/vehicles depending on upgrade value added after buying, example of buying a 30 days house for 10 million, when you add more days, increases min/max selling price
08/12/2024Hello, recently i just got 100 ammo Minigun from random package, and when im about to save it, it doesn't register at all, may i get refund or my packetloss was too high https://i.imgur.com/fkJrJNZ.png
11/05/2024Selling Server 2 House in Ganton https://i.imgur.com/ZbkfRUh.png and House in Jefferson https://i.imgur.com/EHMLYUG.png PM me on web or in-game: Prometheus
04/01/2024Selling Server 2 FT LSPD with Color: 180, 1 https://i.imgur.com/wgIZRtp.png Message me in web or contact me in-game, Prometheus
24/12/2023I see you're playing on Server 2, You can't get double weapon in Server 2, only Server 1 and Server 3 has double sawn-off
11/12/2023Hello, i'd like to request for a refund of deduction money because of rollback
I lost some stats and block gambling cooldown time, but i think thats not complainable
I have found the way to edit the position of HUD, that's all i needed, super thanks to 3 players above for helping me
Thread can be closed.
Hello, I'm playing using widescreen 21:9 and the HUD setting from the game is blocking my GTA HUD, is there any way to fix this problem https://i.imgur.com/fcaQBY2.png
12/11/2023-Add more limit on selling Chips, like 5m once /sell
-Allow /dice back in /event
I got 20 ammo mg from package, and when im trying to save it in locker, it shows that i only have 1 ammo https://i.imgur.com/AsnlbM8.png I think my pl was fine so far
04/01/2023Return old system of report system, because its annoying that newbies ramming you till 10 hp but you still not allowed to kill them
30/12/2022Hello, please be smart reader, as i said, we both did all steps, but the system like ignoring the part where we're taking cocaine
29/12/2022Few minutes ago, me and my friends just completed "The Coke Funding" Heist, after killing cops, it didn't let us to take the cocaine, its skipping the heist part, instead, when we're checking the next cop inside the other room, they were shooting us, so we thought its fine to finish the heist even without "PAYOUT" on the screen, but we got 0 from heist https://i.imgur.com/A43ioId.png https://imgur.com/a/ljbe5tN As you can see, theres no "PAYOUT" in the screen, but we're able to finish the heist. Asking for refund, if possible
29/12/2022Registered: 22/05/2016
Logged in: 20 hours ago
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