



Happy Saint Patrick's Day to all players!
Birdy Photographer

Forum posts (36)

Suggestions on SA-MP

Add to the game shop a way to customize/ add things onto tables, coffee tables, shelves

like bongs, little nik-naks that are on tables for art display, customize paintings on the walls

Suggestions on SA-MP

When there is a server lag, i, and other players get kicked from the servers for 5 minutes unfairly, reasons below:

taking money out of market during server lag, then kicked for money hacks.

taking money out of the safe, 5 minute kick for money hacks,

stock market computer freezes, forcing a samp restart

Going top speed with a car, get kicked for speed hacks.

Be one spot on map, server lags, it thinks you tp'd because of the spontaneous location change due to going so fast; 5 min kick.
i can go on,

this is really unfair and it is more of a big deal than it sounds because this happens like 4-6 times a day that's like 25-30 mins kicked compiled, because of a bug.

im not complaining. i jsut want to know, possible,/maybe this will be fixed one day?

Suggestions on SA-MP

R.I.P plane/flyers job.Now you have to drop the flyers from sf to lv,back n fourth. That takes too long for that little amount of money you receive. Perhaps if this is forced to stay, make the pay a bit more per checkpoint, say; 3000 instead of only 1200-1800 which was/is the pay amount you were rewarded before when the job only required you to stay in one town.

Suggestions on SA-MP

you killed turfing, way to go, the only reason people turfed was for turf xp and gang skills and profiting no one has time for that. 30 minutes is ridiculous. but what do i know about profit

Nissan Skyline R35 w/ working speedometer

Thanks for the opportunity to take a 1 months break :D

Nissan Skyline R35 w/ working speedometer

Suggestions on SA-MP

Typo to be fixed:
Server guide > Crimes> committing crimes. There is a typo on the committing crimes page on the first paragraph, second to last line, it says " if police is able to catch you" should be "if the police are able to catch you"

just thought id let anyone know who can change it what the situation is. .

Suggestions on SA-MP

Make some sort of airplane/helicopter pay n spray, but where you sit on it and and fixes your plane/helicopter

Show you`re game setup!

New feature - players map

How about premium users who leak this to non prem?

Suggestions on SA-MP

Place some buy able businesses in Downtown LS sky scrapers/ high rises/ office buildings

How Often/frequent are the leaderboard updates?

And how long does update then? doesn't really answer my question though.

How Often/frequent are the leaderboard updates?

I keep having to check back every 5-30 mins leader board seems random. is it a consistent update on the hour?

Sorry if this is posted somewhere else, im not really familiar on how to search if one has been posted before, im a semi nub on forums

and no this is not a xm farm, go look how often i post on the forums, remember: short posts do not = xp farming. so dont go there...

EDIT: there is no post about it already this seems to eb the first one, according to the forum search bar.

Reporting [CDS]LaBarredora for unfair actions.

So just because there were no complains previously that makes it okay? that is absolutely ridiculous.

that is not logical. if it has been happening for some time than that just proves the lack of investigatio.. i want justice. justice can be as easy as adding to the rules, no using vehicles to block interior door spawns. or what ever. that is logical.

it is not a question of it being gta or not, i dotn care about being killed, but using bugs for your advantage is wrong. and should be looked onto more. and if it truly happens that often why is nothing done? why is that allowed, to bug a player so they cannot move and get killed and not be able to fight back? i have walked in and out of that lv ammunation many many times and i have never had the vehicle spawn right over the spawn, it was put there on perpose and intended to bug me so i could not move. i may not have mush say here but i have just as much right to point out a flaw in the rules. this cant be allowed, it just cant. to bug a player so he cant fight back? something needs to be done. so this cannot happen to anyone else. there is a flaw and it needs to be fixed.

Reporting [CDS]LaBarredora for unfair actions.

you are sad. you call 3 replies spamming?

Reporting [CDS]LaBarredora for unfair actions.

sparkz, you are no help. you are a skeptic. feel free to take off. this report is not false. you are a naysayer skeptic a simple minded moron who is questionable. on something you have no say on. you were not there. its NOT allowed to abuse textures in this way. to put a vehicle in front of a interior spawn.

Reporting [CDS]LaBarredora for unfair actions.

and may i remind everyone here, that i said "it not your concern to complain about people farming for xp" he chose to harass me. and continue to be a child. regardless, the picture shows the truth he blocked me unfairly. that is not a lie.

Reporting [CDS]LaBarredora for unfair actions.

yes. he is. because he found me 3 times. i went to lv to avoid him. he followed me and did this. in ls there were like 13 white dots how did he find me then? huh? you are only a skeptic.

Reporting [CDS]LaBarredora for unfair actions.

As you can see in the following link posted below, after i was finished with my business in ammunation, he used a car to block the entrance so when i spawned outside i was stuck in the hood of the car .this is the third time he has tried this. he definitely has locate hacks, he found me 3 times. This is too many times to be a coincidence. Once in ls, once in the country red county and once in lv. there is no way that is a coincidence. he knew exactly where i was in the ammunation shop. he put a car so i would be stuck so he could kill me to me this should not be allowed. it is an unfair kill. there are so many of white dots on the map. yet he comes to be the whole time. how could he find me in perfect location if he did not have hacks? this report is for the car abuse. he put the car so i would not move so he could get a unfair kill. that to me is breaking the rules. here is the link V you can click to make the picture bigger to see his name. the sly cheat.

LU: TroubleShooter try to stop players!

First of all. you stop being such a jerk! You rip on others for not knowing English grammar? Has it occurred to you that English is not their first language? Simple minded prejudice you are.. Second of all, realize that when you start a sentence with " First of all" there HAS to be a following "second of all" or else it makes no sense, a total train wreck. I'ts redundant. Just like you. hypocrite.

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About Birdy:

Nothing written yet.

Registered: 25/01/2015

Logged in: 30/04/2018

Recently played

7 years ago - Played 55 minutes

Most gaming time

1075 hours and 15 minutes

Recent achievements

Create a screenshot with 100 views Completed 05/01/2018
Play 1000 hours on game servers Completed 12/02/2017
Receive 10 likes Completed 11/11/2016