Wallhack? O.o i was not playing this 2 day long time and i was not doing anything
08/10/2017Apply for Helper on s2 Age: 15 years Languages: Georgian (Native Speaker), English (Learning 7 Years) , Russian (Learning 5 Years) Total gaming time on the server: 1326 (total 2258 hours) Gaming time per day: 7-8 hours Registration on web: 10/02/2014 Server: San Andreas 2 (s2.gta-multiplayer.cz:7777) I have read apply requirements described at in this thread
23/04/2017i acidently typed ds server ip i thought to i had copy "Buy Lotto $1,000,000 And Win $45,000,000"
me and my friend adam was playing 1vs1 with sawns on another server that my mistake i already know it was my fault
cuz u did not had any ticket + u did not knew if i was playing this lotto before see my pic on web
09/04/2017u was not playing in this lotto and u even did not knew if i was playing this 45m lotto and we did not had deal
09/04/2017its scam when he ask you to be partner with him in 45m lotto and deal and after all he will not send u money
09/04/2017Yesterday i was playing 45m lotto on s2. after all adaam said to if adam or me will win half for me and half for adam
now he won and he is not giving me money :///
Apply for Helper on s2 Age: 15 years Languages: Georgian (Native Speaker), English (Learning 7 Years) , Russian (Learning 5 Years) Total gaming time on the server: 1215 (total 2140 hours) Gaming time per day: 7-8 hours Registration on web: 10/02/2014 Server: San Andreas 2 (s2.gta-multiplayer.cz:7777) I have read apply requirements described at in this thread.
06/04/2017Registered: 10/02/2014
Logged in: 21/08/2023