




Forum posts (304)

A petty question !

If you observe well, you can notice there is a menu of 3 elements under the small clock under your avatar, the first element refers to permalink, the second is to quote someone's else reply, and the 3rd one is the arrow which you can click and type the text that you want to answer a comment.

If you followed the instructions well, your reply should be visible like this one you are reading right now.

Players from GTA-MULTIPLAYER.CZ 2025

The Manager Deadovec has said it's gonna publish on the 23rd of December. However, he did not mention what time of day, so let's be patient until it's published.

Comments to updates on SA-MP


Well, the idea of starting events more often in the server wouldn't be an option, if I'm not wrong, it has been done so players can give more attention to the server's activity.

In order to understand the vision of the update, you must give it a try for a while, feel how it gonna be playing event once each 30 minutes, pretty sure it's gonna balance between regular players' activities and having fun in the server.

I paid 16€ for 15million and I didn’t get it

Do not worry, you will get the items you have purchased, this kind of stuff usually take time. In the meantime, we ask you to have patience, I will inform the lead manager about this matter. Thank you in advance.

Bug reports on FiveM

Kindly post the video so we can have a better evidence and understand what and how that happened.

Searching gold bars and special bonuses

He meant the bonuses not searching for gold bars.

Can i run it FiveM?

With this setting, I believe you can play it but, surely you gonna have fps drops and slutters.

I am banned for 10 days for helping in gold event.

As I can see you were trying to share the locations of gold bars, therefore the ban length is correct and you gonna serve your ban, do not try to evade your ban as this gonna make it even worse.

Bug reports on SA-MP

It is most probably due to the mods, is your game clean from any modifications?

cant login

Please stick to the previous thread you have made before, our lead manager will try to resolve the problem as soon as possible.

Player Report


The player has been dealt with, thank you for reporting.

help... these crashes been gettin on my nerves..

Could you please join the server and send me a message, I will try to determine whether the issue still present or no.

Player report


I would like to see more if it is possible, and with different weapons, this thread will remain open in case if you were able to get more evidence, thank you in advance.

Threating staff member


The player has been already muted. However, thank you for reporting.

bought park ranger

Hello, We issue a refund when the player's issue could possibly match our refund policies: You purchased something by mistake, this could be the reason you were using space-bar key many times or because of the lag (Or possibly both), this doesn't include server fault, therefore the refund is not possible in this case. Sorry for your loss.

Auction bidmax bugged

Hello, According to Refund policy, we cannot issue a refund in this case, because this is not server fault, sorry for your loss. Please consider asking helpers in the game next time if you were not sure about any command, thank you.

am i banned ?

Hello, You are not banned on any server, unfortunately our servers are being attacked and it was published by our lead manager in this thread Attack on servers.

Hello ! Vehicle Maverick !

Please state at which server and time the incident happened.

why muted


If he insulted you or began to harass you, you can simply use /report and the online administrators will take care of that.
If a player insulted another player, it doesn't mean he has to insult him back, there is /report command for a reason.

1 2 3 4 5... 16

About badr1stt:

قَدَّرَ اللهُ وَمَاشَاءَ فَعَلْ وَلاَ غَالِبَ إِلَّا الله

“لأنّ أوّل مطالب الإنسان الضّروريّ ولا ينتهي... (more)

Registered: 22/06/2018

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Make 500 posts on the forums Completed 15/08/2023
Make 50 friends Completed 15/05/2023
Add 100 wall posts Completed 25/11/2020