



Happy Saint Patrick's Day to all players!
AzmainWasTaken Greenhorn
AzmainWasTaken has completed the achievement: Create a screenshot with 50 views 07:19 PM
AzmainWasTaken added a forum post to Suggestions on SA-MP 07:48 PM
+1 , except landmines , innocent players will be blown up for no reason , it`ll be a mess
AzmainWasTaken liked a video 07:25 PM
rifa vs bikers the car is the only sexy thing about the video ngl
AzmainWasTaken has completed the achievement: Add 10 wall posts 06:59 PM
AzmainWasTaken added a forum post to isnt this unfair? 06:13 PM
You all know that today is Eid, So i said Happy Eid in WTLS 2 and Admin Mrpresident muted me for...
AzmainWasTaken has come to play on game server San Andreas Multiplayer 2 04:54 PM
AzmainWasTaken liked a video 03:34 PM
The Liquor Store Heist - B.E.A.S.T.S Heists I am going to make a video on every heist I will do with the member of B.E.A.S.T.S organization.
AzmainWasTaken posted a comment to WTLS SLANDER 03:34 PM
What is the name of BGM??
AzmainWasTaken liked a video 03:32 PM
WTLS SLANDER This is a joke if you got offended go touch yourself
AzmainWasTaken posted a comment to Give Me The Money Tommy 03:32 PM
no ArasH tommy took all my money and killled me , i have come back to take everythinng back


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About AzmainWasTaken:

Nothing written yet.

Registered: 10/11/2022

Logged in: 16/06/2024

Recently played

8 months ago - Played 1 hour and 50 minutes

Most gaming time

293 hours and 5 minutes

Recent achievements

Create a screenshot with 50 views Completed 12/10/2024
Add 10 wall posts Completed 16/06/2024
Create a video with 10 views Completed 13/06/2024