Hi, it has happened due to your bad connection to our servers, next time avoid joinning minigames that cost much money while your connection is bad to avoid such issues. //EDIT: Explained through pms.
29/06/2018Could you please explain who these accounts belong to: VoQuocSon [WOLF]Ghost_speed NQuocQuy
29/06/2018Hi,you crashed then within 4 seconds connected and joined the server, to me it sounds impossible.
21/06/2018School ended! #SummerVacation https://i.imgur.com/WrNG8DK.jpg https://i.imgur.com/qPaaJoS.jpg
20/06/2018You will remain banned.
Wait 30 says or purchase unban from game shop.
Also once you're back please play on only ONE account, same about your brother.
If you have any questions feel free to send me a message
Could you please explain who these accounts belong
Lag does not affect aimbot therefore you will remain banned. Wait 30 days or buy an unban from game shop Lock.
09/06/2018This will be investigated.
For now I will lock the thread.
First of all it was only 3 hours kick but the next time you'll abuse your connection you will be banned. Second, your packetloss is just high and you are gainning unfair advantage over another players. packetloss logs from today: I have also recorded some videos which will be shown to admins only
24/05/2018Registered: 13/06/2015
Logged in: 05/07/2018
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