



Happy Saint Patrick's Day to all players!
ariwsh Legendary player

Forum posts (45)

Comments to updates on SA-MP

Good to see usd price is stable now. I remember 2017 when usd price used to be 300k. That's the real price, players raised the price to make profit. No one can make profit in that way now.

UNBAN - ariwsh

UNBAN - ariwsh

C3nt said I can post more if I want so I will post the time I logged in till got kicked that will be 1hour and 12 mins for these 3 timestamps that will cost me 5 gig to upload but I will for you guys Stop spamming my thread. mad noobs get a life this is the video that i shared on my discord channel. Dragon is my friend and I killed him by mistake I'm sure that you are stork. You are mad because you got perma and I told admins that you were ban evading all the time with multi accounts. Get a life

UNBAN - ariwsh

Yes I have these videos how long before the kick should I post ? About my ban date which is Sep 28: I think I logged in 3 times in Sep 28 because I have 2 records. and I think the 3rd one is my ban I have records of 13:30 till 14:42 and 17:14 till 17:44 in Sep 28

UNBAN - ariwsh

Game account name: ariwsh Server name: S2 Reason: Banned for cheats by anti cheat First off all I gotta say that I didn't record the time I got banned by anti cheat. But hopefully I have records of my gameplay. I have Highlights / kicks from May 1 till Sep 5. Also around 155 hours (99%) of gameplay (not exactly because I might be AFK ) from Sep 6 06:34 till Sep 28 17:44. I missed some of my gameplay due to ( electricity gone off, my pc was full so it didn't record, I forgot to record) Don't forget I might miss some parts, like 1 or 2 anti cheat kick from May 1 till Sep 5. Some gameplay from Sep 6 till Sep 28. ( and maybe some kicks idk ) They are really small parts. As I said I have less than 155 hours of gameplay in last 22 days !(99% of my gameplay) Like one of them I wrote down is Sep 26 13:46 till 18:20 ( My pc was full I forgot to clean it ) For May 1 till Sep 5 kicks: I have 5 mins before the kicks and some of them I recorded my GTA folder also. For Sep 6 till Sep 28 kicks: I recorded before I logged in and whenever I got kicked I recorded my GTA folder after that. I haven't record my GTA folder after every kick. Just most of them that I thought that can be helpful. Also see this video: if it's not working 1) 5 months ago ( May 9 ) an administrator calling me cheater. He said if I post them I am innocent. Now I posted them. 2) 2 examples of my kicks and I recorded My GTA folder after that. They are just examples I can post 5 mins before them or even more. Depends if you want kicks before Sep 6 or after Sep 6. 3) My records You can give me timestamps. I just didn't record my ban. That was my unlucky I'm not lying.

banned for proxy

Unbanned Thanks thread can be locked. If you didn't use, yes

banned for proxy

I got banned for usage of proxy that I didn't use. It must be a bug right ?

Refund When I relogged the hunter was gone.

Refund Happened in 09/05/2021 Watch the video. I don't have any mods.

Need Your Help

First of all I'm not using any mods nor fps unlocker. My game look smooth because I record at 60 fps and I have a high DPI mouse which lower the input lag to watch. If you gonna say my aim is good because I have a good pc and good mouse, that's not true. If you watch my #1, #2 (30fps) and #3 (60fps) montages you will see my mouse input lag.(my #3 montage was way better because I got used to my old mouse). Yeah some players said I have a shaky aim, because I had a mouse with 400 DPI on a glossy wooden surface. Yeah the fps unlocker gives you many advantages and it is illegal. Don't forget that many players are using it and they don't get banned for it. I have seen many players using it on wtls ,but a short amount of them will get banned like me and some other players I don't wanna say their names here. Even tho I have a 60hz some of them had 144hz and 165hz :) I'm not afraid of anything here. I'm not a cheater and almost every wtls player who knows me knows that I'm not cheating. And again I'm at that point that I only have to record my game and hope for an unban. Thanks for all of you guys who helped me.

Need Your Help

I don't know if it is possible for me to stream live with my trash net or no. I keep that in my mind and try it. thanks. Yeah I heard you can still use cheats with samp cac.

Need Your Help

Sorry for my spam I forgot to say this: I Just need you help to tell me what should I do. I'm doing my best to prove you I'm not cheating and I know that some of my proofs might not be strong. I won't miss any parts of my gameplay this time. I don't really know if I have enough space to hold my videos but I will try my best and maybe get a hard disk drive to save them. My 1 hour record gonna be 4.5 GB at the lowest Bit Rate But the problem is my net that would cost a lot for me to upload really long videos. I don't know if I have to post a 24 hour video on youtube or just show times where you want me to

Need Your Help

Im not making an announcement.
You don't believe my records. You think I'm hiding something.
I posted my records 3 times and you haven't unban me.
And no sir I got banned 4 times for cheating while I don't cheat. First 2 bans I had fps unloker which is not a cheat. Other 2 bans I had no mods nor cheats.
I don't know about other players I'm saying I don't cheat and I get banned.

Need Your Help

So I got banned for aimbot not even once while I'm not using any mods or cheats. I record my game 24/7. Last time R3kt said they were edited clips. I know there were cuts between my clips because I didn't have enough space in my pc to hold clips with that much of size. This time I won't restart my recorder it in the middle of the game. I'm just gonna reset it whenever I relog. There are not gonna be cuts between my clips when I'm fighting. I don't really know what can I do to prove I'm innocent. Do you recommend any anti cheat software (like SAMP CAC) that I can install in my pc and show you I'm not cheating ? I'm using SAMP R4 I'm gonna show my GTA folder after I get banned again. It's easy to hide files or editing the video. Can you just tell me how to do that so you won't say it's edited. And the last thing that came to my mind and some players told me is that I record my hand LMAO. I don't know if I can do that or not or even it will help. I don't know what's the problem here. I will get banned really soon if I start fighting. I'm not cheating and I always show you any proof that I have. You know better.

Banned for aimbot

Thanks mr holy That's non of your business Sidious. If they want me to show full records not just my fighting highlights they will ask. You cheating / bug abusing so obvious. This place is not for you get the fuck out cheater.

Banned for aimbot

Idk why the link is broken. I can't see if the link is correct or not be cause I have to use vpn to connect Youtube. I have posted the video on my Youtube channel See if this link works and thanks Angelo

Banned for aimbot

Since my last thread was being locked. I will post my records here This is my gameplay 1 hour before I get banned: Sorry for making 2 threads ariwsh

Banned again ?

I have records
For now im gonna post the time i got banned
But im really tired

Need your help :)

GTA San Andreas is a old game that was made for under 90-100 fps. When you unlock your fps your game become broken. You will face some bugs that can lead you to get banned. Many players using fps unlocker and don't get ban. Just don't use it and if you do the risks are on your own. In rare cases like me who get banned for nothing it's so weird. I didn't have mods nor fps unlocker nor cheats. My aim flicks, tracking doesn't even look like an aimbotter if you watch my videos. That is all skills. I really need that higher ranked members do something for me. Recording didn't help me. I think I gotta prove you in another ways? My connection is not bad I play with 100 to 120 ping and 0.0 to 0.5 pl most of the time

Need your help :)

For those who don't know me. This ban I didn't have anything ( fps unlocker, mods, cheats ) Peoofs: Anti cheat kicks: My ban: This ban I had a fps unlocker and some mods that maybe lead me to get banned ( no cheats) Proofs: Anti cheat kicks: My ban: and also I gotta add this: I really cheated in past and I ruined my name for admins When mano banned me for car repair cheats in 2019 I really felt bad about my self since that ban I haven't cheat. I got proofs for my last 2 bans and I showed you. The time I cheated I had a non gaming laptop with low fps so that's why I cheated and I'm sorry for that. even if now I play with that laptop again I won't cheat. cause I changed my behavior now. I hate cheating and cheaters.

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About ariwsh:

I am the virus that got your heart racing

Registered: 14/02/2017

Logged in: 26/12/2021

Recently played

6 months ago - Played 45 minutes

Most gaming time

4216 hours and 25 minutes

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Create a screenshot with 500 views Completed 09/06/2024
Add 50 wall posts Completed 29/09/2021
Receive 1000 likes Completed 19/09/2021