Hello, month and half ago i transfered all of my cars from my house to garages, i came back today and saw that some of my cars where automatically sent back to my house and when i try to call my torero XO and champion i couldn't but it's still in /savedvehicles. Is there way for me to call those two cars again or anything else?
09/07/2023NPC's still spawn inside bugged places in hoods. https://i.imgur.com/dyFP8C3.png
14/05/2023Renewal price for Meth labs through Dynasty8 page should be adjusted because you can only own one Meth lab.
25/04/2023While we are intoxicated, eating something from restaurants should slightly reduce intoxication.
22/04/2023Cars being repaired for 99 percent only could be a bug? Also thank you for your information and tip.
22/04/2023When we repair a car that dwaine requested through PNS it reduces 225 dollar upon delivery even when the car has full health. I do not know if this is a bug or intentional so i wanted to state it here.
21/04/2023We should be able to see most submitted propositions, most propositions voted and most cash made on congress in /top.
19/04/2023Johnny Klebitz skin is entirely bugged, not only his feet is on ground but he can't even hold wheels properly. https://i.ibb.co/bPmNGTr/Ekran-G-r-nt-s-32.png and this https://i.ibb.co/k4DrS88/Ekran-G-r-nt-s-33.png
18/04/2023Hat accessories for skins dissappears after going in and out of first person mode.
16/04/2023Reminder for CEO works or property revenues through phone would be great.
15/04/2023When you press ''LALT'' to trick or treat when you have jetpack, it dissappears.
10/04/2023Some hat accessories disappears from the character after entering and exiting a vehicle.
03/04/2023Bug occurs with meth cooking minigame where i can't see the last ingredient Phenylacetone to fill it up. https://i.ibb.co/rmj13Kg/Ekran-G-r-nt-s-27.png
28/03/2023Hide for friends, Unlocking vehicle for friends and house should be added
Server: FiveM 2
I am writing this thread to report a complaint about Helper KLAUS26. During Rhino Hunt event, rhino didn't spawn so helper klaus ran towards the nearest tower on foot. He was inside the tower and we could not throw pipe bombs towards the top of the tower, we tried for at least 2 minutes and when we wanted to get out and throw pipe bombs on foot, we had 10 seconds to get back on vehicle.
He stood on tower for solid 4 minutes instead of letting others wins, he simply chose to abuse a bug. He knew about this and he even said ''I can win this'', higher staff members can check the chat logs for 5.48-5.50AM server time and have a better understanding of this.
Kind Regards
Registered: 27/12/2017
Logged in: 01/03/2025