BUYING ! Server : 3 emergency vehicles with color 169/1 dm me here on in game Ak1Ra
06/01/2025you can join the server after your unban date which is 30/12/2024, at 00:00 server time.
29/12/2024i did but it's just not showing idk why
24/12/2024SELLING ! Server : 3 Police ranger color: 177/1 price: Taking offers atm, dm me here on in game Ak1Ra
Server: Server 3
Admin: Overd0se
Reason: Cheats
Comment: i was doing my daily stuffs which is being in drug base and doing drug raids then i got banned while just sitting in my place and being afk, (i'm pretty sure that my game files are 100% clean and i haven't used any program while playing) can you explain more by the word "cheats"?
BUYING ! Server: WTLS 3 item: +1200 Tokens price: Paying up to 450k per ! [large]DM ME in-game Ak1Ra. or in /web[/large]
24/12/2023SELLING Server: WTLS 3 Item: sfpd & ambulance color 169/1, (purple) contact me on web or in-game (Ak1Ra.) for offers
17/12/2023Registered: 27/08/2022
Logged in: 22 hours ago
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