



Happy Saint Patrick's Day to all players!
69Martas Admired

Friends (233)

69Martas and filip11298 are friends
69Martas and Filix are friends
69Martas and 49Davix are friends
69Martas and TheHanS are friends
69Martas and DANIEL126 are friends
104504 Nxs
69Martas and Nxs are friends
69Martas and Farky008 are friends
69Martas and Lakys are friends
69Martas and Archerko are friends
69Martas and Psychedelic are friends
69Martas and Haine are friends
69Martas and Jozefos are friends
69Martas and Jappi1 are friends
69Martas and Adamxo are friends
69Martas and TenNejlepsiDominik are friends
104504 Hws
69Martas and Hws are friends
69Martas and Neodem are friends
69Martas and 404LenistrNotFound are friends
69Martas and DH888 are friends
69Martas and Peroxid are friends
1 2 3 4 5... 12

About 69Martas:

➖➖ --NISSAN--➖➖

I'm in love with the Nissan GTR !

Status: zas tak nějak hraju
... (more)

Registered: 16/05/2016

Logged in: 06/03/2025

Recently played

6 hours ago - Played 1 hour and 15 minutes
19 days ago - Played 1 hour and 15 minutes

Most gaming time

4180 hours and 50 minutes
1 hour and 35 minutes

Recent achievements

Make 100 friends Completed 01/04/2024
Make 100 posts on the forums Completed 13/10/2020
Leave 50 comments Completed 10/10/2020