



GTA: San Andreas

What you wish from niCe's next updates ?

GTA: San Andreas
SilvioDante SilvioDante 09/09/2024
What you wish from niCe's next updates ?

Reduce of prices

PDude PDude
Shpetz Shpetz
Panzerlagger Panzerlagger
loneWOLFreal loneWOLFreal
JazzO JazzO
Neleva Neleva
DanHouser DanHouser
xInVinCiBlE xInVinCiBlE
ObeliX1 ObeliX1
ElectronicsPro ElectronicsPro
Polygon Polygon
XerneaS XerneaS
Chaimae Chaimae
Steroine Steroine
Ak7 Ak7
LiaMs79 LiaMs79
Milujupitzajizdy Milujupitzajizdy
FrankCaptain FrankCaptain
Mrunexpected Mrunexpected
NotMira NotMira
Alfie1 Alfie1
blisters blisters
Vensinzo Vensinzo
Mark0 Mark0
HanK88 HanK88
gjkoll gjkoll
Kimm Kimm
Applee Applee
Shakir Shakir
Albatross1 Albatross1
WaNgDu WaNgDu
Marw1k Marw1k
satavnic26 satavnic26
farazi farazi
OldMonk OldMonk
RaiYou RaiYou
R3TivE R3TivE
Nxs Nxs
Okem Okem
Miyaw Miyaw
Lurk Lurk
Gazmoo Gazmoo
xSlitt xSlitt
Leonn Leonn
SilvioDante SilvioDante
Bull24 Bull24
Sterr Sterr

New Jobs

android17 android17
IntanPuspita IntanPuspita
Thomas250 Thomas250
sidzen sidzen
frogs frogs
Hazard1 Hazard1
Quee Quee
Savinho Savinho
Player9009 Player9009
midson midson
harvik0s harvik0s
PastierOviec PastierOviec
LaluYaadav LaluYaadav
Ulusayshi Ulusayshi
Jimeno Jimeno
Laeley Laeley
Alastro Alastro
VIPklada VIPklada
Vinogradov Vinogradov
Grinza Grinza
Domko Domko
iCedKubin iCedKubin
Biron Biron
JessiJJ JessiJJ
BillCipher BillCipher

New Heists

Nucleus Nucleus
0S0S 0S0S
Proff Proff
Lrz Lrz
Drixx Drixx
FrenchFries FrenchFries
Imed Imed
OortCloud OortCloud
Miawice Miawice
Elias47 Elias47
FleNNkhO FleNNkhO
Stabbs Stabbs
21Monster 21Monster
WelSonG WelSonG
DjungarianHamster DjungarianHamster
neko neko
katanaa katanaa
ViFluKeY ViFluKeY
YoucefMCF YoucefMCF
makezdtem makezdtem
Veronica Veronica
Fl4yuS3 Fl4yuS3

New events

MiddleG123 MiddleG123
DaRkTiMe DaRkTiMe
Smoozie Smoozie
Shankss Shankss
llLoadinGll llLoadinGll
Smaaks Smaaks
terezkaa terezkaa
Jose24 Jose24
Biggie69 Biggie69
Sulrii Sulrii
Triki Triki
k1raX k1raX
dingo007 dingo007
Rich1 Rich1

New minigames

Whetstone Whetstone
KnedlDX KnedlDX
JesonTheBee JesonTheBee
gadzopuro gadzopuro
Cursor Cursor
Edwards Edwards
Shinobi Shinobi

New server rules

abderrahmane124 abderrahmane124
MoTr MoTr
Sperminator Sperminator
Vedran Vedran
xBossSyazwan xBossSyazwan
Puscifer Puscifer

Comments (11)

MiddleG123 Hustler Level 37 08/10/2024 11:29 AM
a live event
PDude Legendary player Level 43 05/10/2024 12:39 AM
the things that i dream about that nobody talks about are : an armor for the sea sparrow because it can be easily blown up due to its slow speed and no rockets to fire on ur targets to scare them like the hunter and the hydra and an armor for the epsilon cars and bp tires(bp tires arent that important as armor) as cops can just easily spray it or rpg it and force u out of the vehicle pretty easily making it almost useless to troll cops with it.
niCe Lead Manager Legendary player Level 338 16/09/2024 12:55 AM
too much tokens
So you whine about too many Tokens in circulation, yet you want reduce shop prices, so more Tokens remain in circulation? Economy expert level 100000.

players cant buy a second house let alone mg
That's THE POINT. I don't want players to buy minigun or second house. There are not enough houses for all players, therefore they need to be expensive, otherwise it would pressure their prices even higher. There are over 20 garages, there is no point in having more than one house. There were times when players could only save vehicles at houses 7 years ago, but that's why garages have been added.

As for whining about the shop prices, the only major items with increased prices were premium account, minigun and renewing house:
- Minigun price was increased intentionally to prevent players buying it too much
- Price of house renewal for 30 days was increased from 30 Tokens to 75 Tokens to prevent players from renewing too many houses
- Price of premium account for 30 days was increased from 100 Tokens to 150 Tokens

Now, average inflation rate in Tunisia (country you reside in) over last 15 years was 5.7% per year. That means 1 TND would be 2.3 TND today. That means you can nowadays buy 2.3x more things for 1 TND than you would back in 2010.

Yet, the premium price only 1.5x and house renewal price was increased 2.5x, which goes with the inflation rate. Are these numbers enough or you will still continue whining?

economy somewhat gets effected by random packages
Another nonsense. Random packages definitely do not affect economy in any way. It only reduces amount of Tokens in circulation, which is what you were complaining in the first place.
LiaMs79 Player Level 114 15/09/2024 05:33 PM
they probably means the /shop items prices : like house renewal , mg , premium , modshop and the economy somewhat gets effected by random packages too? , also too much tokens made the everything cheap the last 2 years , but after the new nonstop reward system things changed most of s3 players cant buy a second house let alone mg
and that my humble opinion
Miyaw Legendary player Level 60 15/09/2024 05:23 PM
Prices on SA-MP are still the same, the price of houses are decided by players who sell the houses and I obviously can't interfere with that.

Therefore most people voting for "reduction of prices" because of house prices are obviously either dumb or have absolutely no idea what they're talking about.
they probably means the /shop items prices : like house renewal , mg , premium , modshop and the economy somewhat gets effected by random packages too? , also too much tokens made the everything cheap the last 2 years , but after the new nonstop reward system things changed most of s3 players cant buy a second house let alone mg
and that my humble opinion harry-potter28
niCe Lead Manager Legendary player Level 338 15/09/2024 02:50 AM
Prices on SA-MP are still the same, the price of houses are decided by players who sell the houses and I obviously can't interfere with that.

Threfore most people voting for "reduction of prices" because of house prices are obviously either dumb or have absoloutely no idea what they're talking about.
LiaMs79 Player Level 114 14/09/2024 05:16 PM
Most of the houses cost was reduced too much so the minigun and cars should too, 30k per is too much the limit should be at least 15k that would Bring fun back
BillCipher Epic player Level 94 12/09/2024 09:24 PM
Promised?Ok ok you didn't promise it directly, but still, it was an option in that poll where hundreds of players voted for Gunrunning business, so... I got hyped at the time and thought it was coming that's all lol
niCe Lead Manager Legendary player Level 338 12/09/2024 05:08 PM
which was promised in a poll 4 years ago
Promised? You are clearly delusional.
21Monster Outlaw Level 34 12/09/2024 03:47 AM
we need new heists ngl, all of them are boring except zombotech raid and madddogg, too much profit goddamn
Show comments 11-11 of 11