



GTA: San Andreas

What were the biggest problems you faced when you were a new player on the server?

GTA: San Andreas
EaGLee EaGLee 16/02/2022
What were the biggest problems you faced when you were a new player on the server?

I didn't face any problem

Saplex Saplex
Luci Luci
Tachy Tachy
imin69 imin69
RedStar69 RedStar69
TecHDuDe TecHDuDe
ReinaLee ReinaLee
MinaToo MinaToo
Raskolin Raskolin
iks iks
Overlord313 Overlord313
Sandula Sandula
farazi farazi
Thugger Thugger
Webster94 Webster94
Asphyxiation Asphyxiation
Udoyou Udoyou
xCrimson xCrimson
xBossSyazwan xBossSyazwan
Biron Biron
Amador Amador
Leon18 Leon18
CombineCrusher CombineCrusher
VIPklada VIPklada
LegendaSK LegendaSK
KonascZ KonascZ
Saturned Saturned
Acceonit Acceonit
Fahadd Fahadd
Benn Benn
Haine Haine
Kuba11 Kuba11
VladimirRatil VladimirRatil
xxxsksJH xxxsksJH
Marshall Marshall
Sam69 Sam69
iHeb92 iHeb92
makezdtem makezdtem
Fandango Fandango
JayJay JayJay
MrFreekill MrFreekill
FlexZ FlexZ
sMeX sMeX
TyZer TyZer
SteQu SteQu
RaiYou RaiYou
Pendragon Pendragon
Nermo Nermo
Mannius Mannius
Milking Milking
Shwarz Shwarz
PolyyAboDacoTakeNwm PolyyAboDacoTakeNwm
Sparkyy Sparkyy
Cappuccino Cappuccino
Ulusayshi Ulusayshi
Jimeno Jimeno
Plantera Plantera
FrankCaptain FrankCaptain
R3TivE R3TivE
Melanie Melanie
Eno5356 Eno5356
Blas Blas
Sphinx95 Sphinx95
Mark0 Mark0
xTeFoo xTeFoo
Gazmoo Gazmoo
Applee Applee
kostasGR kostasGR
Evelynn Evelynn
Shpetz Shpetz
Hazard1 Hazard1
Bull24 Bull24
xSlitt xSlitt
Rich1 Rich1
Monster575 Monster575
xRooster xRooster
LoryMK LoryMK
VictorDolar VictorDolar
Shinobi Shinobi

I didn't know how to earn fast money

TheRMan TheRMan
terguy terguy
Crowex Crowex
AbdoY AbdoY
Ludi Ludi
TheSnip TheSnip
Factor Factor
Kushtrim Kushtrim
679 679
Ritesh Ritesh
frogs frogs
Entix Entix
NotA14 NotA14
PhenoMenalL PhenoMenalL
Hercomebla Hercomebla
DavroSaxon DavroSaxon
ameame ameame
WaNgDu WaNgDu
Younes69 Younes69
FLameyzzz FLameyzzz
MaNiTi MaNiTi
SixDays SixDays
kyle01 kyle01
ItsHunTer ItsHunTer
Ruin3R Ruin3R
Proff Proff
xAbhishek xAbhishek
Grinza Grinza
Adella Adella
BadshahJee BadshahJee
LeKySs LeKySs
Puscifer Puscifer

players scamed me

m4vicc m4vicc
flop flop
BenjiWrzosek BenjiWrzosek
DanHouser DanHouser
xSniper xSniper
LuCi4 LuCi4
Siptarr1 Siptarr1
Lexan Lexan
Rylie Rylie
yeyo yeyo
Haider99 Haider99
HelloIamScott HelloIamScott
vwv vwv
21Colliot 21Colliot
Vedran Vedran
Beli Beli
xInVinCiBlE xInVinCiBlE
Nox1 Nox1

My level didn't let me do what i want

loneWOLFreal loneWOLFreal
podbradek podbradek
GanDoFlY GanDoFlY
Kha0s Kha0s
blonded blonded
GigelPeNet GigelPeNet
Rakh Rakh
MrFortune MrFortune
HarryBalzac HarryBalzac
Blazin Blazin
RanDY16 RanDY16
SilkAboDacoTakeNwm SilkAboDacoTakeNwm
Cursor Cursor
Tenmoney Tenmoney

I didn't find help

machooo machooo
HisteriC HisteriC
bodyyD bodyyD
Aflac Aflac
Lord Lord
Gtee Gtee
2013SiD 2013SiD
averagemane averagemane

I didn't find friends

xRussel xRussel
hunt hunt
Hiteshh Hiteshh
RomioZ RomioZ
p1ti p1ti
gadzopuro gadzopuro

Comments (15)

Crowex Level 20 07/03/2022 06:29 AM
I literally faced all the problems above, especially the money, friends and level ones.
HisteriC Level 33 06/03/2022 07:02 PM
I guess I didn't face any problem because I had my friends to back me up.
Ritesh Illustrator Level 37 24/02/2022 03:10 AM
My money.. but LOL when i know i can buy too
DeadOwl Level 55 18/02/2022 10:49 PM
Getting banned for using cheats

Did I just bust me ? Fuck
VictorDolar Legendary player Level 61 18/02/2022 02:12 PM
Hazard1 : Voting ``I Didnt face any problem``

Also Hazard : I Got Scammed By Someone``

INDHari Nobody Special Level 39 18/02/2022 01:16 PM
All the options here fits me, In the very beginning I didn't face and problem, In the first I did Valet, Park Ranger jobs and I don't even know that there is gang I don't know how much payout, etc. I had only 1 friend in the beginning. Soon later I came to know about gangs by IRONMAN then I started earning from gangs, after players started messaging me continuously to give them money and told that they will give back and I lent them money like 10m, 10m totally more than 50m lost by scam, After all I faced some type of annoyers and keep teleporting to hospital. So all here fits for me
Eno5356 n00b Level 66 18/02/2022 08:35 AM
back then in 2020, i was literally getting bullied by my enemies cuz they think themselves they're something but if they won on me in an argument, they're not gonna prove shit at all.
and yeah i made alot of friends in that community and they're good friends of mine to be honest (in s3 and s2)
Siptarr1 Level 95 18/02/2022 05:20 AM
“players scamed me”
A long time ago, it had been possible to steal someone's vehicle (as a player unlocks it for you) and save it at your house.
50Caliber Nobody Special Level 29 18/02/2022 02:31 AM
Getting hunted for no reason
NAZAL54 Talkative Level 75 17/02/2022 09:40 PM
Back in 2020 , although I had few friends in s1 but at s2 i haven't had any friends and was quite alone most of the time till I became a helper ,since then I have never faced the same issue
I didn't know how to use /pm , a lot of helpers and players tried helping me , but still I was confused with what is id , till then I use to use /phone and send a message to a player lol
Show comments 11-15 of 15