Chcete, aby se na serveru pridal pasivni mod pro joby, kdy behem jobu nepujde napadnout hrace a ani tento hrac delajici job nebude moct napadnout ostatni?
Do you want passive mod being added on server for jobs, when during job noone will be able to attack the player and also the player doing the job won't be able to attack others?
This would be the best feature to add to the server even though I wrongly picked NO, but still it would be cool to add this feature because in moments like when we are doing jobs or mission or just driving around we get killed for no reason from player's with Hunter's or Hydra's but I FULL AGGREE that you should add this
Ne ne a zase ne. GTA je sakra o zabíjeních, penězích, šlapkách a drogách.. proč mu to brát a dělat z toho family friendly SIMS ... Navíc si myslím že většina jobů se dá dělat dost bezpečně, stačí třeba přejet do LV / SF, a ne jak má většina hráčů ve zvyku, v nejrušnějších hodinách dělat job uprostřed LS, a pak se divit že je něco sestřelí.. :D
Can players die from RPG/mines etc in a vehicle in this passive mod? If yes then there is no point to have, if no we can use on player like /passivemod ID we can remove from that list in like 20-25 hours game play, 10 player list should be fine since we know who is death-matching the most around, also not for work as cop also as criminal in a vehicle, atm we can't damage the criminal player vehicle that have spawn protection.
Also to note players come to vote for the first and leave the voting just for xp if you can change the options and sort the answers not by most votes, that will be great too.
“Pred chvili me napadlo ze by se ten PM mohl zapnout za poplatek treba jen na 5minut s tim, ze aby si ho hrac mohl znovu zapnout, tak by mel nejakou dobu cooldown na ten PM... aby se jak rika Hum ,,nezneuzivalo,,”Tak by to bylo dobré no. Ale beztak by s tím bylo aspoň méně starostí, když to tam nebude.
GTA je sakra o zabíjeních, penězích, šlapkách a drogách.. proč mu to brát a dělat z toho family friendly SIMS ... Navíc si myslím že většina jobů se dá dělat dost bezpečně, stačí třeba přejet do LV / SF, a ne jak má většina hráčů ve zvyku, v nejrušnějších hodinách dělat job uprostřed LS, a pak se divit že je něco sestřelí.. :D
Also to note players come to vote for the first and leave the voting just for xp if you can change the options and sort the answers not by most votes, that will be great too.