



Happy Saint Patrick's Day to all players!
GTA: San Andreas

Pasivni mod / Passive mode

GTA: San Andreas
niCe niCe 21/05/2019
Chcete, aby se na serveru pridal pasivni mod pro joby, kdy behem jobu nepujde napadnout hrace a ani tento hrac delajici job nebude moct napadnout ostatni?

Do you want passive mod being added on server for jobs, when during job noone will be able to attack the player and also the player doing the job won't be able to attack others?

Urcite ne / Definitely no

HonzaRyder HonzaRyder
Juryk78 Juryk78
FaRisFuDo FaRisFuDo
Doom5125 Doom5125
JoKeRz JoKeRz
Mechul Mechul
Deanen Deanen
DirtYy1 DirtYy1
MadShaco MadShaco
AceW4lker AceW4lker
sajkalala sajkalala
noMercyDeadSquad noMercyDeadSquad
iFon3s iFon3s
slideW slideW
Shailesh Shailesh
Protein Protein
fles fles
Xponnent Xponnent
KiKo1 KiKo1
DonNiko DonNiko
MunDa MunDa
Mouad Mouad
KompleX KompleX
Salim Salim
Anci Anci
Cyrano34 Cyrano34
Lesk Lesk
Gibbson Gibbson
Villa Villa
ArrOw77 ArrOw77
Rely Rely
RaaaaaveN RaaaaaveN
Sulrii Sulrii
C3nT C3nT
Udoyou Udoyou
Breaky Breaky
EmKo EmKo
Miffen Miffen
tony01 tony01
mcavio mcavio
Jaroslaw Jaroslaw
Zeintar Zeintar
Nermo Nermo
Apostol Apostol
Shubham1 Shubham1
piCna piCna
Iverson Iverson
RomanianBadass RomanianBadass
DeadMouse DeadMouse
Milujupitzajizdy Milujupitzajizdy
Kilijan Kilijan
celebi celebi
Mark0 Mark0
Shk Shk
Ghostly Ghostly
1337SchWestka 1337SchWestka
Banshee Banshee
AnasELMarroquino AnasELMarroquino
ImEnde ImEnde
Varshaith18 Varshaith18
Sam69 Sam69
wizzard wizzard
RedStar69 RedStar69
KrucifiX KrucifiX
Puqs Puqs
kostasGR kostasGR
Streety Streety
Kermiii Kermiii
Shwarz Shwarz
TheKoki TheKoki
LeKySs LeKySs
litva litva
Albozz Albozz
Marthyys Marthyys
conceptvague conceptvague
g4llardo g4llardo
Jozefos Jozefos
Jimeno Jimeno
Mawerick Mawerick
ELDzej ELDzej
kryskry kryskry
Saslik Saslik
FlexZ FlexZ
LeonZ LeonZ
LoryMK LoryMK
Mattias Mattias
Rich1 Rich1
Lurk Lurk
Ph03nix Ph03nix
Showzer Showzer
FeirXus FeirXus
Nxs Nxs
Craash Craash
Jappi1 Jappi1
IRock IRock
Vako001 Vako001
HellCrusher23 HellCrusher23
NyTmo NyTmo
Amas Amas
Marw1k Marw1k
infernal2018 infernal2018
Bull24 Bull24
Linked Linked
MrSteve MrSteve
RzR1 RzR1
Stiffy Stiffy
DevilAssassin DevilAssassin
Karll Karll
Angelo Angelo
Serena Serena
RaiYou RaiYou
Sauron04 Sauron04
jimmyx1 jimmyx1
Vedran Vedran
Daniel19 Daniel19
iHeb92 iHeb92
leblanc1 leblanc1
CoppyZ CoppyZ
xSlitt xSlitt
xBossSyazwan xBossSyazwan
Premier Premier
LanaRhoades LanaRhoades
Areww Areww
ukyonyrre ukyonyrre
Applee Applee

Ano / Yes

GenzoWakabayashi GenzoWakabayashi
drajny drajny
Nano22 Nano22
Crepi Crepi
skankovicz skankovicz
Maadd Maadd
Luaks Luaks
Kopie115 Kopie115
Farwin923 Farwin923
Mano Mano
Dumpy Dumpy
Baruch Baruch
640509040147 640509040147
AndyCS AndyCS
DominikCZ0 DominikCZ0
Osack Osack
Mariannetta Mariannetta
MightyZeus MightyZeus
colarum colarum
WolfiiikCZ WolfiiikCZ
kingparth0001 kingparth0001
tachy tachy
Alastro Alastro
R3dfield R3dfield
TheHanS TheHanS
Kiwi1230 Kiwi1230
Markz Markz
ripmoney ripmoney
WolF17 WolF17
Swoxik Swoxik
Eithech Eithech
DonPlaya DonPlaya
nikolasnick81 nikolasnick81
BuBuldog BuBuldog
Randy Randy
DiXiGame DiXiGame
Bimmer Bimmer
vwv vwv
Admiralek Admiralek
Overd0se Overd0se
BlackJack BlackJack
Mego0 Mego0
BlueLobster BlueLobster
F3ul F3ul
machooo machooo
kuratqo kuratqo
DH888 DH888
DavroSaxon DavroSaxon
missmichaela missmichaela
Lune Lune
Kajaka Kajaka
Marshall Marshall
Sophia Sophia
FillOk FillOk
Winter Winter
Albert0 Albert0
SupremeS4 SupremeS4
69Martas 69Martas
ViFluKeY ViFluKeY
JazeX JazeX
yeyo yeyo
Franta72 Franta72
unavailablenow unavailablenow
TheCaptain TheCaptain
Gandalf Gandalf
Galaxy95 Galaxy95
xTaha xTaha
Nexsyrian Nexsyrian
Jidas Jidas

Je mi to jedno / I don't care

Blazin Blazin
LemanMiKe LemanMiKe
xNinJa xNinJa
Farky008 Farky008
MujBo MujBo
vsn08hwepr4t7mbzyl3f vsn08hwepr4t7mbzyl3f
Proff Proff
Biron Biron
Gwydion Gwydion

Spise ano / Rather yes

iBust iBust
ColdNight ColdNight
Haine Haine
Zuzaa Zuzaa
Mitrixsen Mitrixsen
atentatik atentatik
xSolo xSolo
Serinydd Serinydd

Spise ne / Rather no

Inkognito Inkognito
Cursor Cursor
Puscifer Puscifer
Skyline Skyline
aozyz aozyz

Comments (29)

Xponnent Outlaw Level 85 27/05/2019 09:25 PM
This would be the best feature to add to the server even though I wrongly picked NO, but still it would be cool to add this feature because in moments like when we are doing jobs or mission or just driving around we get killed for no reason from player's with Hunter's or Hydra's but I FULL AGGREE that you should add this
RA7ANT Headhunter Level 79 24/05/2019 02:47 PM
Urcite ano, ked to moze fungovat v inych hrach, preco by to nemohlo fungovat aj tu :).
Zeintar Legendary player Level 75 23/05/2019 09:27 AM
Určitě ne. /passive je na konkurenci a úplně to tu hru zkazilo
R3dfield Lead Administrator Reader Level 198 23/05/2019 08:40 AM
You can add this feature, but when a player attacks us, we cannot enable passive mode for the next 5 hours maybe
Farky008 Legendary player Level 116 22/05/2019 01:13 PM
The sims uz je z toho serveru davno, jestli to chces posunout jeste na vetsi lvl tak proc ne :D :D
Varshaith18 Thug Level 62 22/05/2019 04:23 AM
This can be abused by many players and there would be ni fun in killing
KrucifiX Don Level 129 21/05/2019 11:23 PM
Ne ne a zase ne.
GTA je sakra o zabíjeních, penězích, šlapkách a drogách.. proč mu to brát a dělat z toho family friendly SIMS ... Navíc si myslím že většina jobů se dá dělat dost bezpečně, stačí třeba přejet do LV / SF, a ne jak má většina hráčů ve zvyku, v nejrušnějších hodinách dělat job uprostřed LS, a pak se divit že je něco sestřelí.. :D
machooo Level 125 21/05/2019 09:32 PM
Can players die from RPG/mines etc in a vehicle in this passive mod? If yes then there is no point to have, if no we can use on player like /passivemod ID we can remove from that list in like 20-25 hours game play, 10 player list should be fine since we know who is death-matching the most around, also not for work as cop also as criminal in a vehicle, atm we can't damage the criminal player vehicle that have spawn protection.

Also to note players come to vote for the first and leave the voting just for xp if you can change the options and sort the answers not by most votes, that will be great too.
g4llardo Don Level 136 21/05/2019 05:50 PM
Určitě ne, to by kazilo všechnu zábavu.
Amas Administrator Level 128 21/05/2019 05:44 PM
Pred chvili me napadlo ze by se ten PM mohl zapnout za poplatek treba jen na 5minut s tim, ze aby si ho hrac mohl znovu zapnout, tak by mel nejakou dobu cooldown na ten PM... aby se jak rika Hum ,,nezneuzivalo,,Tak by to bylo dobré no. Ale beztak by s tím bylo aspoň méně starostí, když to tam nebude.
Show comments 11-20 of 29