That's enough server as it is in my state of view, we could get under 70 players on our current server and it quite boring when there less players online.
“We don't need it , honestly there should be just Server 1 and Server 2 , Server 3 should be removed at all because it's the same like server 2 nothing difference except Deathmatching thing.” lool at this S3 is pretty much better than s2 its like a second version of s1 like Lexuz said
AliRazaLegendary playerLevel 8517/05/2016 11:47 AM
“We don't need it , honestly there should be just Server 1 and Server 2 , Server 3 should be removed at all because it's the same like server 2 nothing difference except Deathmatching thing.” Server 3 isn't the same as server 2, its the same as cz server but for English only, which allows for players who have higher ping.
We don't need it , honestly there should be just Server 1 and Server 2 , Server 3 should be removed at all because it's the same like server 2 nothing difference except Deathmatching thing.
S2 for English player
S3 for English player too
so what is the important of s4??