V hlavní příběhové linii san andreas je několik antagonistů. Koho z nich máte nejraději? / There are multiple antagonists in san andreas main story line. Who among them is your favourite?
“I'll have two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda.”
Cr34tiveHelperTalkativeLevel 9727/09/2022 07:01 AM
Ryder: Boat Chase (5/10) Pulaski: Car Chase (4/10) Big Smoke: Boss Fight (7/10) Tenpenny: Drive-by (9/10)
Conclusion: Ryder and Pulaski are my least favorite antagonists, Big Smoke is second favorite because a battle with him was like a boss fight, Tenpenny first because drive-by is my favorite thing to do and taking down lots of enemies filled the joy for me.
faraziHelperExecutionerLevel 11926/09/2022 10:18 AM
Pulaski: Car Chase (4/10)
Big Smoke: Boss Fight (7/10)
Tenpenny: Drive-by (9/10)
Conclusion: Ryder and Pulaski are my least favorite antagonists, Big Smoke is second favorite because a battle with him was like a boss fight, Tenpenny first because drive-by is my favorite thing to do and taking down lots of enemies filled the joy for me.
also big smoke is good xd