Okay, not a huge difference from the previous format, but ofc the new one has positives:
1) A way faster for loading the webpage than other websites (not only for GTA) 2) Interaction menu bar (at the top of the website) compared to the older version, which is great for me as it has minimized the two side bars contained game shop, poll, download game client, etc.. in one bar with animation. 3) Modernized avatar section/location (which was previously at the bottom right of webpage alongside notification bar), changed to upper side, which is better for me, tbh.
To be honest, there are no such profound changes (like functions) that should be criticized; just a modernized design made it 10x better than the previous one. I just said what I have after a year of using it compared to the old one, so it doesn't need that whole echo of criticizing for such appearance changes spent with costy and time-consuming to make it better. At the end, thanks to developer(s) for that change.
@MrLee9: Já bych to spíše přisuzoval tomu, že změny nejsou celkově populární. Vidíš to koneckonců i v reálném životě. Taky mi to v první moment přišlo nepřehledné a zdál se mi starý web lepší. Než se s tím zžiješ, prostě to chvilku trvá. Po pár návštěvách už mi to přišlo fajn, přehledné, a určitě by mě nenapadlo orodovat za 10+ let starý web design, jak jsem u některých viděl v tom topicu.
“Když nynější názory hráčů srovnám s tím, kolik hráčů v topicu o novém webu pindalo, jak byl starý lepší a přehlednější..”Možná to bude tím, že většina tehdejších názorů byla umlčená zablokováním přístupu. A ještě větší části hráčů na vzhledu webových stránek nezáleží vůbec, protože navštěvují maximálně herní obchod. Ale jinak máš samozřejmě pravdu
“It's obvious and logical that new users will explore and search for things, just like on any other site, isn't it?”“It takes a couple days to get used to it anyway.”indeed.
lukys1Experienced playerLevel 8022/09/2024 10:18 AM
“like on how to upload screenshots or searching for polls, game shop and etc, not that hard to find but eventually they will get how it works though.” It's obvious and logical that new users will explore and search for things, just like on any other site, isn't it?
1) A way faster for loading the webpage than other websites (not only for GTA)
2) Interaction menu bar (at the top of the website) compared to the older version, which is great for me as it has minimized the two side bars contained game shop, poll, download game client, etc.. in one bar with animation.
3) Modernized avatar section/location (which was previously at the bottom right of webpage alongside notification bar), changed to upper side, which is better for me, tbh.
To be honest, there are no such profound changes (like functions) that should be criticized; just a modernized design made it 10x better than the previous one. I just said what I have after a year of using it compared to the old one, so it doesn't need that whole echo of criticizing for such appearance changes spent with costy and time-consuming to make it better. At the end, thanks to developer(s) for that change.
Aha. A komu z te "vetsiny" byl tedy zablokovan pristup?
Pokud vim, tak jediny, kdo dostal ban byl Litva, za jeho vyzvy k protestum a podobne trapne chovani.
It's obvious and logical that new users will explore and search for things, just like on any other site, isn't it?