I have already played the E&E on my PS5, but I loved the new exclusive Ray Traced lighting they added on PC and the 120 FPS.. Just got dissapointed about some things they did to the Online like: Removing text chat, Career Progress broken (quests we already did in the past are shown as incomplete or as 0$, like the cash made on heists for example), and also the biggest sin: having to migrate ur GTAO account to the new version and separating the community in two, making us unable to play with friends who can't run the new version.
So yeah, mixed feelings for me.. No wonder the Steam reviews are 50/50 to positive and negative
As an addition, I watched a video showing the comparison between the enhanced version and the normal one, I've noticed that the gameplay has improved a lot.
It's good, with realistic lightning, reflections, better optimization and performance and also 30 GB shorter than Legacy, but it's not really that good to call "NEXT GEN"
for the enhansed version of GTA V its looks good at least good optimisations rtx for people who have gpu rtx new special upgrade called HSW for some vehicles new 5 cars only in this version with ps5 and xbox series ,carrer progress and more but there is some bugs need to fix it by the time and missing text chat ,fiveM will support this version soon as they say with rockstar
So yeah, mixed feelings for me.. No wonder the Steam reviews are 50/50 to positive and negative