Soon you will be able to purchase a big improvement for your organization - an office. There will be a range of offices available in each city, your organization can own unlimited amount of them! All offices will be completely customizable, you will be able to purchase furnishings on Krapea website. Each office comes with a private bar.
What will be offices good for? It will become a new major part of your organization planning. CEO of organization will be able to purchase businesses here and associates will be able to start the missions for each business to earn some money for the organization.
There will be total 6 businesses, some of them will be legal, some illegal. You can purchase drugs dealing, loan sharking, smuggling, prostitution, robberies and protection racket. Each business will pay high amount of money, but each associate will have a cooldown on doing the businesses for the organization. That means, the more associates, the better can the organization run!
Be prepared for the new missions and a new way of cooperation among players!