On 18 of November 2019, the new operation for CS:GO was released after two and a half year, it is called Operation Shattered Web
This new operation gave us:
- For the first time a skins for our character (Called -- Agents) in game (few of them has unique voice for voice commands [More in F.A.Q.]) ]
You can find more of these skins HERE
- New CASE - Shattered Web Case
MP5-SD | Acid Wash
Nova | Plume
G3SG1 | Black Sand
Revolver R8 | Memento
Dual Berettas | Balance
SCAR-20 | Torn
M249 | Warbird
PP-Bizon | Embargo
AK-47 | Rat Rod
AUG | Arctic Wolf
MP7 | Neon Ply
P2000 | Obsidian
Tec-9 | Decimator
SG 553 | Colony IV
SSG 08 | Bloodshot
AWP | Containment Breach
MAC-10 | Stalker
AND + 4 new RARE special items (Knifes)
Skeleton Knife
Nomad Knife
Survival Knife
Paracord Knife
- Edited prices of SG553, Galil AR and FAMAS
SG553 price was returned to $3000
Galil AR and FAMAS price has lowered by $200 and buffs to their full-auto spraying accuracy (Spray pattern)
- 3 new skin collections
The Canals Collection
You can find all skins in this collectionHERE
The Norse Collection
You can find all skins in this collectionHERE
The St. Marc Collection
You can find all skins in this collection HERE
- New stickers themed by new operation
You can find all of them HERE
- New graffities - Trolling Graffiti Collection Sprays
You can find all of them HERE
- 2nd graffiti collection
You can find all of them HERE
- End-of-Match Accolades
This new feature is showing some interesting stats claimed during the match.
For example, you can be shown here for:
- Most cash spent
- Most head shot hits
- Chickens killed
- Most people blinded by you using Flashbang
... And more...
The new skins can also do a new animations setted for them
- Shattered Web Missions
Each week you will receive a new mission card featuring 6 non-overlapping missions that can be completed in any order. Complete missions and earn stars in Casual, Competitive, Danger Zone, Guardian, and more to complete each card!
[TO UNLOCK REWARDS YOU NEED TO PURCHASE A Operation Shattered Web Premium Pass]
- Upgradeable Operation Shattered Web Coin
Your coin can be upgraded by completing missions in Missions tab
- New Operation maps
- How do I earn rewards?
Operation Shattered Web features a battle pass format, and Operation Rewards are earned when you receive enough stars to reach the next reward requirement. For example, if you currently have 20 stars and the next reward is available at 22 stars, you will need two more stars for your next reward. You can purchase stars or earn them by completing missions.
- How do I get Operation Stars?
Operation Stars are earned by completing missions on your weekly mission card, and can be purchased in-game. Each weekly mission card grants a maximum of six stars (except for the first week, which has ten stars) -- you don't have to complete all of the missions to get the most out of your time. You can earn up to 100 stars (enough to earn all of the rewards on the track) by completing missions.
- How do I upgrade my Operation Coin?
The only way to upgrade your Shattered Web coin is to complete missions from weekly mission cards. Your coin will upgrade after you complete 33 missions (Silver), 66 missions (Gold), or all 100 missions (Diamond).
- Can I earn more rewards after I complete the rewards track?
Yes. There is no limit to the number of times you can cycle through the track--even if you have earned up to 100 stars by completing missions, you can continue to earn rewards by purchasing stars.
- Which Agents have unique cheers and voices?
Master Agents have unique cheers and voices, and can be equipped in any game mode on any map. You will earn one Master Agent when you receive 100 stars.
- Can I play the missions without a pass?
Yes, but you will not receive Operation rewards. In order to be eligible for Operation rewards you must redeem an Operation Pass to your account.
- What do I get with the pass?
An Operation Shattered Web Coin, which can be upgraded from Bronze to Diamond and displayed on your CS:GO profile. Operation rewards which include all-new characters, graffiti, Shattered Web stickers, Shattered Web weapon cases, and weapons from three new collections.
XP boosts when completing missions.
- Can I gift Operation Passes?
Operation Passes can be gifted one week after purchase. There is no way to send an Operation Pass as a gift at time of purchase.
- How do I participate in missions?
To participate in missions simply click the mission text from the Main Menu; you will automatically queue for the selected mission.
- How long does Operation Shattered Web last?
The operation will last longer than 16 weeks. A new set of missions will be unlocked each week for 16 weeks