Car workshop are coming on 22nd August on all WTLS servers. There are total of 8 car workshops you can purchase and start your business.
Once you purchase car workshop, you can notice a special computer with Ad-Hawk Autos page, where you can buy cars, buy parts and sell cars. Once you buy car, you need to wait until it is repaired by your mechanics and then add required parts, which you might need to purchase, unless you have already sourced them in advance. Some rare cars can bring you huge profits!
You can buy several upgrades for your car workshops. One of the upgrade will enable you to help repairing some vehicles using a computer diagnostics. Also, when you hire a car trafficker, you might be able once upon a while to steal some vehicle and expand your business in less legal way.
There will be 25% bonus on car workshops sales until 5th September. If you are player with premium account, you will be able to gain early access to this feature starting 21st August.