



Happy Saint Patrick's Day to all players!

Player of the month SA-MP S3 November 2023

niCe niCe 01/11/2023

Contest, where players with the most playing time win.

Stats tracked in contest

Gaming time

Game server

San Andreas Multiplayer 3


1st place: 500 Tokens 2nd place - 3rd place: 250 Tokens 4th place - 10th place: 100 Tokens 11th place - 20th place: 50 Tokens
Start: 01/11/2023 End: 30/11/2023 Already over

Participating players

1 xDubby xDubby 487 hours and 7 minutes
Won 1st place!
2 mo7ammad mo7ammad 418 hours and 28 minutes
Won 2nd place!
3 xArasH xArasH 379 hours and 38 minutes
Won 3rd place!
4 MoJrem MoJrem 375 hours and 42 minutes
Won 4th place!
5 madarona madarona 346 hours and 20 minutes
Won 5th place!
6 Zancrooo Zancrooo 344 hours and 38 minutes
Won 6th place!
7 Tiffany21 Tiffany21 344 hours and 20 minutes
Won 7th place!
8 bodyyD bodyyD 336 hours and 2 minutes
Won 8th place!
9 markjc420 markjc420 328 hours and 18 minutes
Won 9th place!
10 akram12 akram12 322 hours and 57 minutes
Won 10th place!
11 heartlezz111 heartlezz111 318 hours and 11 minutes
Won 11th place!
12 FireManSam FireManSam 316 hours and 17 minutes
Won 12th place!
13 Mrvampire Mrvampire 308 hours and 47 minutes
Won 13th place!
14 Ak1Ra002 Ak1Ra002 299 hours and 2 minutes
Won 14th place!
15 Fedy000 Fedy000 293 hours and 24 minutes
Won 15th place!
16 RomioZ RomioZ 280 hours and 47 minutes
Won 16th place!
17 CoooLGuy64 CoooLGuy64 277 hours and 27 minutes
Won 17th place!
18 CARTER11 CARTER11 276 hours and 9 minutes
Won 18th place!
19 WhiteComet324 WhiteComet324 266 hours and 37 minutes
Won 19th place!
20 alkolic alkolic 260 hours and 53 minutes
Won 20th place!
21 Amethyst Amethyst 258 hours and 39 minutes
22 DjungarianHamster DjungarianHamster 253 hours and 1 minute
23 Adamjpg Adamjpg 251 hours and 51 minutes
24 Pooor Pooor 250 hours and 25 minutes
25 DeletedUser53941 DeletedUser53941 249 hours and 46 minutes
26 APRizzla APRizzla 243 hours and 43 minutes
27 Za3em Za3em 236 hours and 29 minutes
28 AdeLLL AdeLLL 235 hours and 48 minutes
29 maxymoo maxymoo 229 hours and 33 minutes
30 Grisha Grisha 227 hours and 36 minutes
31 GenRubaetRohit GenRubaetRohit 225 hours and 32 minutes
32 Ilias Ilias 223 hours and 31 minutes
33 FoxxLiza FoxxLiza 222 hours and 40 minutes
34 infernal2018 infernal2018 222 hours and 22 minutes
35 Statico Statico 220 hours and 45 minutes
36 VergilDMC VergilDMC 215 hours and 51 minutes
37 SkillKillerXD SkillKillerXD 201 hours and 32 minutes
38 Uzumakii Uzumakii 198 hours and 42 minutes
39 Kossai23 Kossai23 198 hours and 10 minutes
40 HuzaiFa21 HuzaiFa21 196 hours and 44 minutes
41 Youunees Youunees 191 hours and 18 minutes
42 Kai98 Kai98 188 hours and 22 minutes
43 Kaisen Kaisen 184 hours and 12 minutes
44 Mtdiszhen Mtdiszhen 182 hours and 37 minutes
45 WeskeR WeskeR 182 hours and 26 minutes
46 Neleva Neleva 181 hours and 57 minutes
47 Rukia Rukia 177 hours and 45 minutes
48 Misty Misty 175 hours and 7 minutes
49 paxu12 paxu12 173 hours and 50 minutes
50 21Monster 21Monster 169 hours and 33 minutes

Comments (4)

xArasH King of GTA Level 102 30/11/2023 09:14 PM
xDubby Gamer Level 49 29/11/2023 09:17 PM
Edwards Administrator Film maker Level 93 20/11/2023 10:45 AM
This text is displayed only for administrators
Fuxas Shoplifter Level 74 06/11/2023 10:00 PM
it's a hard this contest. Who have free time, that can play but who don't have time this players don't got prizes/reward.