



Happy Saint Patrick's Day to all players!

Player of the month SA-MP S2 February 2024

niCe niCe 01/02/2024

Contest, where players with the most playing time win.

Stats tracked in contest

Gaming time

Game server

San Andreas Multiplayer 2


1st place: 500 Tokens 2nd place - 3rd place: 250 Tokens 4th place - 10th place: 100 Tokens 11th place - 20th place: 50 Tokens
Start: 01/02/2024 End: 29/02/2024 Already over

Participating players

1 SSSniperWolf SSSniperWolf 568 hours and 1 minute
Won 1st place!
2 Elna40 Elna40 497 hours and 19 minutes
Won 2nd place!
3 DisasterX DisasterX 481 hours and 42 minutes
Won 3rd place!
4 StoneSpeaker14 StoneSpeaker14 481 hours and 8 minutes
Won 4th place!
5 OGTom OGTom 394 hours and 2 minutes
Won 5th place!
6 Nermion Nermion 393 hours and 22 minutes
Won 6th place!
7 JessiJJ JessiJJ 381 hours and 20 minutes
Won 7th place!
8 Wizard123 Wizard123 356 hours and 35 minutes
Won 8th place!
9 LiaMs79 LiaMs79 354 hours and 54 minutes
Won 9th place!
10 ElyZiuM ElyZiuM 350 hours and 19 minutes
Won 10th place!
11 Forever1973 Forever1973 342 hours and 28 minutes
Won 11th place!
12 TheSpyware99 TheSpyware99 340 hours and 21 minutes
Won 12th place!
13 oooooo oooooo 328 hours and 56 minutes
Won 13th place!
14 Gniewcio Gniewcio 314 hours and 13 minutes
Won 14th place!
15 Rain21 Rain21 312 hours and 20 minutes
Won 15th place!
16 AhMeD0R69 AhMeD0R69 308 hours and 31 minutes
Won 16th place!
17 Saroj Saroj 308 hours and 8 minutes
Won 17th place!
18 NoboNaattori NoboNaattori 301 hours and 49 minutes
Won 18th place!
19 rasool250 rasool250 298 hours and 42 minutes
Won 19th place!
20 Ortemitz Ortemitz 295 hours and 38 minutes
Won 20th place!
21 Alfie1 Alfie1 293 hours and 35 minutes
22 GARMADON GARMADON 286 hours and 51 minutes
23 fnxspawn fnxspawn 286 hours and 36 minutes
24 xVENOM xVENOM 284 hours and 14 minutes
25 Blocker Blocker 280 hours and 34 minutes
26 Graves Graves 275 hours and 59 minutes
27 xBuLLeT xBuLLeT 275 hours and 0 minutes
28 GunPark GunPark 274 hours and 22 minutes
29 DominicDisney DominicDisney 270 hours and 27 minutes
30 LwaZi104 LwaZi104 266 hours and 41 minutes
31 l3alawi l3alawi 266 hours and 2 minutes
32 amine1 amine1 263 hours and 3 minutes
33 SamuelPornStar SamuelPornStar 262 hours and 24 minutes
34 Sebastien Sebastien 261 hours and 53 minutes
35 UncleMo UncleMo 260 hours and 52 minutes
36 Rin Rin 256 hours and 40 minutes
37 okhtk okhtk 249 hours and 52 minutes
38 ViLG4X ViLG4X 248 hours and 52 minutes
39 BananaMan94 BananaMan94 244 hours and 55 minutes
40 Licensure Licensure 244 hours and 43 minutes
41 Syk Syk 243 hours and 58 minutes
42 Z1Z Z1Z 243 hours and 48 minutes
43 szotyiv1 szotyiv1 242 hours and 45 minutes
44 Madness37 Madness37 241 hours and 51 minutes
45 GRAIZOR1 GRAIZOR1 237 hours and 48 minutes
46 amiramryo amiramryo 235 hours and 58 minutes
47 Lekomancer Lekomancer 234 hours and 10 minutes
48 gordan gordan 234 hours and 4 minutes
49 D3f4ult99 D3f4ult99 230 hours and 49 minutes
50 Capoo Capoo 228 hours and 34 minutes

Comments (4)

OldMonk Level 112 29/02/2024 05:15 PM
560 hours skull
Laeley Level 25 28/02/2024 07:44 PM
Got kicked out of contest for automatic inactivity kicks in the last day, on top of losing first place earlier thanks to a power supply failure. Y'all can choke on it.
Demons Experienced player Level 34 09/02/2024 11:22 PM
LiaMs79 Epic player Level 115 02/02/2024 12:56 PM