




Player of the month S3 May 2022

Stats tracked in contest

Gaming time

Game server

San Andreas Multiplayer 3


1st place: 500 Tokens 2nd place - 3rd place: 250 Tokens 4th place - 10th place: 100 Tokens 11th place - 20th place: 50 Tokens
Start: 01/05/2022 End: 31/05/2022 Already over
niCe niCe 01/05/2022

Contest, where players with the most playing time win.

Participating players

1 Hakaze Hakaze 542 hours and 28 minutes
Won 1st place!
2 DanielG158 DanielG158 529 hours and 21 minutes
Won 2nd place!
3 4Vare 4Vare 437 hours and 20 minutes
Won 3rd place!
4 Gazmoo Gazmoo 405 hours and 19 minutes
Won 4th place!
5 Kinggpowet Kinggpowet 369 hours and 17 minutes
Won 5th place!
6 Mags247 Mags247 355 hours and 0 minutes
Won 6th place!
7 RayTEn RayTEn 346 hours and 18 minutes
Won 7th place!
8 xSllots xSllots 344 hours and 16 minutes
Won 8th place!
9 Zero021 Zero021 331 hours and 5 minutes
Won 9th place!
10 Luffy12 Luffy12 330 hours and 24 minutes
Won 10th place!
11 pencilneck pencilneck 328 hours and 10 minutes
Won 11th place!
12 Fle2n Fle2n 327 hours and 42 minutes
Won 12th place!
13 REDACTED REDACTED 325 hours and 54 minutes
Won 13th place!
14 MoFSeD MoFSeD 325 hours and 18 minutes
Won 14th place!
15 Eyemef Eyemef 314 hours and 15 minutes
Won 15th place!
16 Amethyst Amethyst 305 hours and 18 minutes
Won 16th place!
17 markjc420 markjc420 304 hours and 13 minutes
Won 17th place!
18 MaWoNi MaWoNi 298 hours and 4 minutes
Won 18th place!
19 DirtyImpala DirtyImpala 292 hours and 29 minutes
Won 19th place!
20 Subabi Subabi 291 hours and 17 minutes
Won 20th place!
21 GTACJ GTACJ 284 hours and 18 minutes
22 VArDANNN VArDANNN 283 hours and 52 minutes
23 Benn Benn 277 hours and 4 minutes
24 Lexie Lexie 269 hours and 40 minutes
25 Palermoo Palermoo 264 hours and 33 minutes
26 SEETO SEETO 262 hours and 20 minutes
27 WALEAD99 WALEAD99 256 hours and 20 minutes
28 Evelynn Evelynn 254 hours and 15 minutes
29 MhrN MhrN 253 hours and 11 minutes
30 mossa mossa 252 hours and 5 minutes
31 Tamashi Tamashi 249 hours and 52 minutes
32 Ulusayshi Ulusayshi 249 hours and 43 minutes
33 BrinG BrinG 247 hours and 23 minutes
34 bNNk bNNk 242 hours and 20 minutes
35 M4hdi M4hdi 242 hours and 10 minutes
36 MoLoToV23 MoLoToV23 236 hours and 44 minutes
37 Radiicz Radiicz 233 hours and 10 minutes
38 Factor Factor 226 hours and 56 minutes
39 xHades xHades 224 hours and 35 minutes
40 Mhmmd Mhmmd 223 hours and 7 minutes
41 Num Num 221 hours and 30 minutes
42 MrNightstar MrNightstar 219 hours and 45 minutes
43 Pan3Da Pan3Da 216 hours and 55 minutes
44 ItsCodY ItsCodY 216 hours and 20 minutes
45 ifeW ifeW 215 hours and 49 minutes
46 6Christo9 6Christo9 214 hours and 37 minutes
47 xTeFoo xTeFoo 209 hours and 9 minutes
48 Userboi Userboi 207 hours and 19 minutes
49 Amiro Amiro 206 hours and 18 minutes
50 Koshkeli Koshkeli 205 hours and 30 minutes

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