




Most goods from cargo ships stolen - S2

RaiYou RaiYou 24/01/2025

Bring some weapons and a helicopter/boat to search for cargo ships in the ocean. You will receive a notification when close enough if there are goodies to be stolen, if not, keep searching for another cargo ship.

Good luck to all thieves!

Stats tracked in contest

Goods from cargo ships stolen

Game server

San Andreas Multiplayer 2


1st place: $7,500,000 2nd place: $5,000,000 3rd place: $3,000,000 4th place: $2,000,000 5th place: $1,500,000 6th place - 7th place: $1,000,000 8th place - 10th place: $500,000
Start: 24/01/2025 End: 31/01/2025 Already over

Participating players

1 Mikelan7 Mikelan7 799
Won 1st place!
2 Mishandled1337 Mishandled1337 500
Won 2nd place!
3 Reese24 Reese24 481
Won 3rd place!
4 jurke jurke 301
Won 4th place!
5 Rizka Rizka 243
Won 5th place!
6 Veronica Veronica 162
Won 6th place!
7 mossa mossa 144
Won 7th place!
8 MauricioVallejos MauricioVallejos 129
Won 8th place!
9 FerNando52 FerNando52 95
Won 9th place!
10 fja4 fja4 66
Won 10th place!
11 MrConner MrConner 62
12 ZTK ZTK 54
14 Deadshot021 Deadshot021 43
15 Sloan Sloan 41
16 WUW WUW 40
17 monsta monsta 40
18 Ready2Diee Ready2Diee 40
19 Le00 Le00 40
20 CicoTruman CicoTruman 39
21 Kidapfl Kidapfl 37
22 Darkito Darkito 37
23 Chivo Chivo 35
24 Sampek Sampek 34
25 Dalik03 Dalik03 34
26 Smedrix Smedrix 34
27 Daksheeboy Daksheeboy 32
28 ssKFKF ssKFKF 28
29 Milaa Milaa 25
30 DisasterX DisasterX 24
31 Impassable10 Impassable10 24
32 Wo7oshG Wo7oshG 24
33 ACIDWasTaken ACIDWasTaken 24
34 Soma Soma 24
35 Lotters Lotters 24
36 RyderBusta RyderBusta 23
37 xNassim99 xNassim99 23
38 Ange Ange 23
39 flongz flongz 23
42 GDI GDI 18
43 ticktock77 ticktock77 18
45 Morsak321 Morsak321 16
46 zlizlocko zlizlocko 16
47 DriverRob DriverRob 16
48 Hzsharky Hzsharky 16
50 D3f4ult76 D3f4ult76 15

Comments (1)

MrAztecas Advanced player Level 26 25/01/2025 09:54 AM

Contests ending soon